* * $Id: dz,v 1996/03/06 10:47:15 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: dz,v $ * Revision 1996/03/06 10:47:15 mclareni * Zebra * * * This directory was created from zebra.car patch dzhist V 3.72/1 30 Nov 1993 - Change ERR= to IOSTAT= in DZBKHD to avoid problems when edit descriptor is not large enough (e.g. large numeric IDN) if=qmvax. V 3.62/2 19 Sep 1989 - Introduce routine DZZERO - DZDATA - Hexidecimal printing Z16.16 not OK for Cray - DZSTLA - QUESTPARQ added (bug) - DZTYP - QUEST corrected to IQUEST in UBLOW (bug) - DZARE1, DZCHBK, DZCHST, DZDATA, DZFORP, DZIOPD, DZIOPH DZSTDV, DZSTLA, DZSURF, DZTYP , DZSWAP data variables SAVEd - DZBKUP, DZBKXR protect variables by SAVE statement V 3.61/1 04 Aug 1989 - FZHYLN: Correct problem in HYDRA/ZEBRA conversion routine by specifying that default data type is floating point Precedence should be: bit, integer, float (says J.Zoll) V 3.60/1 8 Mar 89 - Put in compilation directive in DVCHV1 (QMCRY) - Change all C to * in column 1 (for Cray CDIR directive) - DZAREA Entry statement moved - DZFORM Equivalence statement moved - DZMAP and DZSNAP now print for E, F or M option (HYDRA-like) V 3.59/3 14 Dec 88 - Eliminate reference to IQCUR and use NQSNAM instead DZARE1, DZBKUP, DZSHOW, DZSNAP, DZSTOR - Do not call DZTEXT in DZBKHD, DZIOPD and DZIOPH for quiet option in DZSHOW (Q instead of S option) (bug)!!! Only CQLINE output buffe filled (used by DZDOC for for writing interactively with bank documentation) V 3.59/2 08 Nov 88 - Change explicit use of HEXMAP to -OCTMAP (default hex) DZARE1, DZMAP, DZSHOW, DZSNAP, DZSTLA and DZSTOR - Change explicit use of BYTEMAP to -WORDMAP (default bytes) DZARE1, DZMAP, DZSHOW, DZSNAP, DZSTLA and DZSTOR - Eliminate +USE sequences for machines w/o WORDMAP or OCTMAP V 3.59/1 10 Aug 88 - Do not call DZTEXT in DZBKHD, DZIOPD and DZIOPH for quiet option in DZSHOW V 3.57/4 1 Jul 88 - Replace call from ZFATAL to ZFATAM in DZVERI V 3.57/3 8 May 88 - Eliminate tests for DEBUF with JFORT option - Eliminate routine identification in DZOPT V 3.57/2 2 May 88 - Zero IQUEST(1) in all user callable routines V 3.57/1 1 May 88 - Eliminate alternative returns and put return code different from 0 in IQUEST(1) - Get rid of concatenation operator using dummy character argument (problems on IBM VS compiler) V 3.56/2 7 Apr 88 - DZMAP make calling sequence DZSHPR compatible with definition of routine (nb. of parameters) V 3.56/1 21 Mar 88 - Change 999 END to 999 RETURN and END - Introduce condition code for ALLIANT V 3.55 10 Nov 87 DZARE1 : - Put in protection against invalid addresses in loops IQTABV(KQT+13) contains lowest possible address and IQTABV(KQT+14) contains highest possible address for store - For LUP=0 still test OR link - Save ID of mother bank into variable ID DZBKHD : - Put in protection against invalid addresses (SEE DZARE1) - If invalid address in origin link --> print '_' DZBKUP : - Eliminate test on Division for UP bank - Correct address of bank to LBANK DZTEXT : - Adapt message printed to mod in DZBKUP V 3.54 /1 6 Nov 87 DZARE1 : - Do not print SYSTEM and WS data areas in 'ALL' mode - Up links of banks in LA can be 0 or ANY valid bank address - OR links of banks in LA can be pointing to any bank or a LA DZBKHD : - Only test consistency for non-dropped banks (DZBKDV/UP/XR) - Do not use the error return to prevent map entry from being printed (DZBKUP/XR) DZMAP : - Only allow 7 entries for links in MAP entry with a field width of 15 characters per link DZTEXT : - Change text for error 3 in DZARE3 V 3.53 /4 24 Sep 87 DZSHOW, DZSURV : Correct bug (call MZSDIV before test on dropped bank) DZSTOR : Eliminate reference to 998 (no error return) V 3.53 /3 28 Jul 87 Introduce test for pseudo-stores in various routines - Test on empty system division introduced in DZARE1, DZBKUP, DZSTLA and DZSWAP V 3.53 /2 4 Jul 87 DZBKUP interference with ZEBRA stack LQWKTB in DZBKUP and DZSHPR eliminated by introducing separate stack LASTAK DZCHBK generalized to DZCHST (old DZCHBK kept for compatibility) DZCHV1 changed (internal routine, parameter IXQUES added) DZMAP E and F options print banks 'D'ownwards DZSHOW - Correction to interrupt structure scan at LEVEL 1 (if not option 'L') - Introduce test for dropped top bank or zero entry address DZSURV - Introduce test for dropped top bank or zero entry address V 3.53 /1 13 Feb 87 - Change MIN0 and MAX0 to generic MIN and MAX function calls DZBKHD - Call DZBKUP only for non-dropped banks DZSNAP - When store clobbered - Output corrupted area as data (JDFD = 1) - Maximum nb. of words printed < NQWCUT - Take out test on NQERR ( not 0) for print V 3.52 /1 26 Nov 86 - Update routine stack information - Put more information into CQINFO for undocumented cases - Better treatment of error conditions in DZSNAP DZARE1 - Test on validity addresses in link area addresses (structural part) - Mark banks as critical (T option of DZSNAP) DZSHPR - Correct treatment of print limits of DZSHOW DZMAP - Complete rewrite of DZMAP (using CQLINE) SEVERAL - Working space used is IQWKTB (pointed by LQWKTB) V 3.51 /4 19 Nov 86 - Introduce new trace back in DZSWAP - Protection for small (<4 charactes) bank names in LZLOC - Introduce check on links in structural part of link area to see that the ORIG link of the bank pointed = address in the LA (DZSNAP, DZTEXT, DZVERI) - Put more information in message 'TOO MANY LA' in DZBKUP V 3.51 /3 26 Sep 86 - Correct call to ZPAGE in DZDATA (wrong number of arguments). - Correct I80 (for I8) typing mistake in DZSNAP. V 3.51 /2 7 Aug 86 - Transmit CHOPT between DZAREA and DZARE1 (printing) - Introduce double precision printing V 3.51 /1 30 Jul 86 - On WRITEs with ERR, put a IF=-QMIBM flag (JFORT bug) - Complete rewrite of the I/O part. All IO is performed in DZTEXT via CQMAP - Options can be upper or lower case. They are treated in DZOPT - Put the heading part of each routine in the correct DZDOC format - Introduce sequence QUESTPARQ, describing error flag passing among the various DZEBRA routines - Eliminate USE flags HEXPRINT for Hexadecimal printing of binary info OCTPRINT for Octal printing of binary info - All bit information is now printed in hexadecimal - All IO goes via variable CQLINE in /DZC1CH/ - DZAREA : - Now calling DZARE1 - DZARE1 : - New routine at lower level (from DZAREA and DZSNAP to print link areas - DZCHBK : - Now calling DZCHC1 - DZBKDV : - New routine to determine the division where a bank is - DZBKHD : - Call DZBKUP for checking correctness of OR and UP links - If OR or UP link incorrect, output a second line explaining problem - DZBKUP : - New routine to check the correctness of OR and UP links - DZBKXR : - New routine to check the division cross-reference matrix - DZCHVC : - Now calls DZCHV1 (low level) - DZCHV1 : - New routine at lower level (from DZCHVC and DZCHBK) to calculate the checksum of a vector - DZDATA : - Change in Hexadecimal printout (force leading zeores) - All hex is now printed full range (16 columns) - DZMAP : - Banks are now printed horizontally - D option protection moved to beginning of routine - DZSHOW : - 'L' option only applies to zeroeth level (at other levels next's are always printed) - Introduce call to DZBKUP to initialize link area information and recode reserved space management part - Introduce call to DZBKDV to calculate division of bank The latter is now correct, since before the primary bank at LBANK was always used instead of current bank at LCUR - Calls to MZCHLS eliminated, since made in DZSHPR - DZSHPR : - Include calls to DZBKDV and DZBKXR to set up Xref in IQUEST(31+..) to be used in checks in DZBKHD - DZSNAP : - Include call to DZBKUP to calculate LA limits - Include call to DZBKXR to set up XREF matrix in IQUEST - introduce call to DZARE1 (lower level than DZAREA) - DZTEXT : - Routine for printing error messages and text (new) - It is actually the ONLY routine which prints anything - DZTYP : - All hexadecimal is full range (type1-type0 abolished) - DZVERI : - Introduce call to DZBKUP to initialize link area information and recode reserved space management part - Call DZBKUP for checking correctness of OR and UP links - Call DZBKXR for checking correctness XREF matrix - Reorganize error handling with IQUEST - Separate option 'U' eliminated (includes in 'L') V 3.50 /1 11 Jun 86 - DZMAP : - Define reserved area variable NDZRSV=0 before call to DZSHPR ('C','D' and 'F' options) - DZSNAP : - Some cleaning up of code - DZSURV : - Eliminate reference to CHOPT V 3.41 /7 22 May 86 - DZC1 : - NOFLIQ parameter was wrong (5 instead ot 8) - DZCHBK : - New routine calculating checksum for bank parts - DZCHVC : - New routine calculating checksum of array - DZSNAP : - Add test on MAP option for printing banks in division - DZTYP : - Introduce protection for indefinite operands V 3.41 /6 12 May 86 - DZAREA : - Introduce Q option which returns information via IQUEST - DZSURV : - Return information in IQUEST only if CHTEXT='-' V 3.41 /5 6 May 86 - DZSNAP : - Protect options before call to DZAREA which resets them V 3.41 /4 30 Apr 86 - DZMAP : - Protect 'D' option (IQMARK bit set) between DZSHOW series of routines and DZSNAP (variable IDOPT) - FZZBOOK ZBOOK and HYDRA to ZEBRA conversion - FZHYDRA patches reintroduced and made compatible with 3.40 V 3.41 /3 24 Mar 86 - BKFOPARQ : - Introduce new parameter JFOSEQ in IO format definition - Correct error in parameter definition - ALL : - Make consistent with DZDOC program for writeup - DZFORM : - Indroduce code for correct line line numbering (NQUSED) - DZFORP : idem - DZMAP : - Protect 'D' option (IQMARK bit set) between DZSHOW series of routines and DZSNAP (variable IDOPT) - DZSHOW : - Small correction in layout of LEVEL line - DZSNAP : - Print line for empty division V 3.41 /2 5 Feb 86 - DZSTDV : - Count holes correctly as dropped banks - DZVERI : - Put in protection for holes in test on bank links V 3.41 /1 3 Feb 86 Include several improvements suggested by J.Zoll - DZAREA : - Replaces DZLINK, whose functionality is supplemented by allowing the address of a link - DZLINK : - Dummy === replaced by DZAREA - DZMAP : - Format of LINK part of map line changed Align output with ID on header line (right shift 2 chars) - Shift . + and F at beginning of MAP line - DZSHOW : - Rename option 'H' (horizontal) to 'S' (sideways) No actual FORTRAN code changed (since default option) - At each level the store and division id's are printed (and not anymore in DZSHPR for each bank) - Add store and division number to title - DZSHPR - Move output of levels to DZSHOW - DZSNAP : - Default divisions is 21+22 (user) - Add store and division number to title - DZVERI : - Default divisions is 21+22 (user) V 3.40 /6 24 Jan 86 - DZSNAP : - Print actual length of divisions and stores - Verify the two words at end of store for IQNIL content - Include code for flagging of 'critical banks' inline recoding algorithm to cure indefinite loop (IQFOUL < 0) (routine DZCRIT eliminated) - DZSTDV : - Print actual length of division - DZSTOR : - Print actual number of links - DZTYP : - Dummy out statement numbers 500 and 998 (not referenced) - DZVERI : - Verify the two words at end of store for IQNIL content V 3.40 /5 22 Jan 86 - DZSHPR : - Bug corrected (LWORK off by 1 word --> overwrote last word of division 1) V 3.40 /4 19 Dec 85 - DZFORM : - Include the printing of NWIO (nb. of IO words) - DZFORP : - Change variable IPOS at beginning of routine (see above) - DZIOPD : - Dynamic sector of length 0 stops the printout of a bank - DZIOPH : - idem V 3.40 /3 10 Dec 85 - ALL : - Change DEBUG output unit to IQPRNT - DZFORM : - Introduce code for printing of all formats known to ZEBRA V 3.40 /2 5 Dec 85 - DZIOPD : - Fix bug for uninitialized variable - harmonize printing of headings data part and link part - DZIOPH : - Harmonize printing of headings with DZIOPD - DZSHPR : - Harmonize printing of headings with DZIOPD and DZIOPH V 3.40 /1 30 Nov 85 - ALL : Changes reflecting new bank format a) EQUIVALENCE for central part of bank b) bank format IO characteristic completely different use of MZIOCR in DZSHPR and DZTYP - BKFOPARQ is a new sequence definition containing the format descriptor for the IO characteristic - DZBANK : eliminated (is replaced by DZSHOW) - DZFORM : new routine to dump an IO descriptor in readable form - DZIOPR : new routine to print the data part of banks according to the IO descriptor - DZTREE : eliminated (is replaced by DZSHOW) - DZVERI : correct error in -calculation end of structural part of LA -loop over division cross-references increase information content of error messages - MZF : PATCH eliminated (replaced by MZ routines of JZ) - LZLOC : New name for DZLOC and declare as function - NZLEFT : Complete rewrite calling system routine MZRESV V 3.31.3/ 4 Oct 85 - DZSURV : Print total number of banks present - DZVERI : -IQUEST working area for inter-division references starts at 30 (interference with error return eliminated) -Skip dead banks in structural checks V 3.31.2/ 13 Sep 85 - DZBANK : Now calls routine DZSHOW - DZMAP : Now calls routine DZSHPR and tune 'D' option interference between DZSNAP and DZSHOW - DZTREE : Now calls routine DZSHOW V 3.31.1/ 30 Aug 85 - ZBLOC : Entry (alias) to DZLOC - ZDLEFT : Entry (alias) to DZLEFT V 3.30/ 25 Aug 85 - DZBANK : Put entry number before its contents Bug fixed for case when VB option selected --> stack was not treated properly. - DZSHOW : Combines the DZTREE and DZBANK options Suite of routines comprises DZSHFM, DZSHOW and DZSHPR - DZVERI : Check that links comply to inter-division cross-reference matrix (IQRTO) constraints - Mask DEBUG options for JFORT and the VS compiler separate JFORT is using DEBUGJF1 and DEBUGJF2 masked with JFORT flag VFORT is using DEBUGVF1 and DEBUGVF2 masked with VFORT flag - Introduce DZI USE flag to also include the ZI3DIT package (ZEBRA Interactive Debug/Display/Documentation/Interrogation Tools) - DZLEFT and DZLOC added V 3.22/ 11 Jul 85 - DZSURV Output store and address of bank as title - DZTREE Take out dead code Print level again (invalid reference to IFLOPT eliminated) - DZTRFM Cosmetics in index printout of data part - DZTRPR Cosmetics in index printout of link part - DZVERI Return error information in IQUEST(11..) V 3.21/ 22 Jun 85 - DZLINK Bug corrected in addressing link area --> LQ(LQS + address - DZSTLA Bug corrected in addressing link area --> LQ(LQS + address - DZSTDV Initialize IQFOUL to zero for each division (empty included) - DZTREE Series of routines introduced (more dense printing of banks) - KEEPs Make DEBROUT KEEP sequence dependent on QMIBM flag - ZPAGE Decrease page limit count by 2 (IBM) for C printer V 3.20/ 7 Jun 85 - Use of CDE sequence MQSYS thoughout - Change routines treating LA for new MZ conventions (MQ 3.20) - Change of JQSTOR --> JQSTOR+1 V 3.12/ 3 Jun 85 - Define MSYSFQ, MSYSKQ and MSYSPQ in DZC1 KEEP sequence (to include ZBOOK EPIO reading) - Define IFORMA inside DZCKIO (DZBKPR, DZCKIO, DZSNAP) - Optimization in DZTYP for out of bound index in ext. format case V 3.11/29 May 85 - Introduce flag IF=HISTORY for +PATCH,DZHIST. Introduce flag IF=(-)TEXT for +KEEP sequences in +PATCH,PARADQ with and w/o explanations (text) respectively. - Uniformize use of reserve area in all routines DZBANK, DZBKPR, DZMAP, DZSURV, DZVERI When several routines in a sequence use the reserve area, the higher level routine fences its space by setting NDZRSV in /DZC1/ - Eliminate redundant code in DZSTLA - Include KEEP sequences DEBUGJF1 and DEBUGJF2 which have to be placed at the beginning and end of a routine which has to be traced by the TRACE dump package of the SIEMENS compiler - Change of /DZC1/ common to treat extended bank descriptor Inclusion of IFINDX, IFLEV0, LFORMA Extension of NFBUFF - Introduce USE flags HEXPRINT for Hexadecimal printing of binary info OCTPRINT for Octal printing of binary info HEXMAP for Hexidecimal load map OCTMAP for Octal load map BYTEMAP for map addresses expressed in bytes - DZCKIO :1) Add /ZUNIT/ IN DZCKIO to print message when NFBUFF wrong (IQPRNT was undefined) 2) Introduce code to treat external bank descriptor - DZDATA : Uniform printing alignment introduced - DZTYP :1) Correct small bug in DZTYP (floating test) 2) Introduce code to treat external bank descriptor - BANKPARQ Introduce the NIO codes used by MZLIFT/MZBOOK Introduce maximum number of fields for types in NIO i.e. IIONBQ,IIONHQ,IIONIQ and IIONFQ in function of the respective field lengths NION.Q V 3.10/15 April 85 - Change in ZPAGE (2 instead of 3 parameters) Eliminate change of IQUEST(1) in ZPAGE (interference with DZSURV) - Global change in all routines calling ZPAGE to bring number of parameters in line with change above V 3.09/11 April 85 - Print a message when DZBANK detects an faulty bank - Fix bug in DZBANK V 3.08/9 April 85 - Change to new CQLETT/CQNUM conventions V 3.07/21 March 85 Start from 3.04 - Make internal working compatible with MZ routines - Options are 1 character modes. - DZBANK: 'Z' print data part in hexadecimal - DZLINK: ' ' option means all link areas - DZSNAP: 'L' option means all link areas - 'Z' print information in Hexadecimal - DZTYP : Introduce forced HEX dump - DZVERI: 'U' option checks up and sup links