* * $Id: fzotrn.F,v 1996/03/06 10:47:14 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: fzotrn.F,v $ * Revision 1996/03/06 10:47:14 mclareni * Zebra * * #include "zebra/pilot.h" SUBROUTINE FZOTRN (MBAT,NWBAT) C- Transmit one batch of data to the output buffer, C- exchange file format, native data format C- service routine to FZOUT C- careful : must not be called with NWBAT=0 #include "zebra/zunit.inc" #include "zebra/zebq.inc" #include "zebra/mzca.inc" #include "zebra/fzcx.inc" C-------------- End CDE -------------- DIMENSION MBAT(99), NWBAT(9) #if (defined(CERNLIB_QTRHOLL))&&(!defined(CERNLIB_A6M)) DIMENSION NAMESR(2) DATA NAMESR / 4HFZOT, 4HRN / #endif #if (defined(CERNLIB_QTRHOLL))&&(defined(CERNLIB_A6M)) DATA NAMESR / 6HFZOTRN / #endif #if !defined(CERNLIB_QTRHOLL) CHARACTER NAMESR*8 PARAMETER (NAMESR = 'FZOTRN ') #endif * quick trace without test on capacity #include "zebra/qtraceq.inc" NWDO = NWBAT(1) NDONE = 0 IF (IDX(2).NE.0) GO TO 44 24 NWAV = L4ENDX - L4CURX NW = MIN (NWDO-NDONE, NWAV) CALL UCOPY (MBAT(NDONE+1), LQ(L4CURX), NW) L4CURX = L4CURX + NW IF (L4CURX.EQ.L4ENDX) GO TO 41 #include "zebra/qtrace99.inc" RETURN C-- Batch continued 41 NDONE = NDONE + NW C-- Start new logical record 44 CALL FZOREC IF (NDONE.LT.NWDO) GO TO 24 GO TO 999 END * ================================================== #include "zebra/qcardl.inc"