/* * $Id: kmutif.c,v 1.3 1996/10/24 12:13:39 cremel Exp $ * * $Log: kmutif.c,v $ * Revision 1.3 1996/10/24 12:13:39 cremel * Version 2.07/10 * Add resource higzMessGeometry to have control on the size and position of * the "HigzOutput" window (e.g. for the locator). To change the size * and position of this window one must add in his .Xdefaults (or .Xresources) * file the 2 following lines: * * Paw++*kuipScroll1.defaultPosition: False * Paw++*higzMessGeometry: 200x250+650+650 * * Revision 1.2 1996/08/27 12:08:57 cremel * Put the HizOutput window always on top of the others. * * Revision 1996/03/08 15:33:09 mclareni * Kuip * */ /*CMZ : 2.05/00 14/03/94 13.45.14 by N.Cremel*/ /*-- Author : N.Cremel 03/04/92*/ /******************************************************************************/ /* */ /* MOTIF-based library for KUIP - deck KMUTIF */ /* */ /* General Motif utilitity routines which are FORTRAN callable */ /* */ /* - F77_ENTRY_I4CCC(Kmxmes, ...) : Motif version of HIGX/X Igxmess */ /* */ /******************************************************************************/ #include "kuip/kuip.h" #include "kuip/kfor.h" #include "kuip/kmenu.h" #include <Xm/Xm.h> #if defined(__hpux) && XtSpecificationRelease == 4 #include <X11/Protocols.h> #else #include <Xm/Protocols.h> #endif #include "mkincl.h" #include "mksres.h" #include "mksreg.h" #include "mkutdm.h" #include "mkutfm.h" #define CONTEXT_MACRO_ACCESS 1 #include "mkuxs1.h" #undef CONTEXT_MACRO_ACCESS #define Kmxmes F77_NAME(kmxmes,KMXMES) /* extern data */ extern XmFontList help_font; extern XFontStruct *help_font_struct; /* extern functions */ extern C_PROTO_1(Widget km_kuipScroll1, int help_flag); /*********************************************************************** * * * Motif version of HIGX/X Igxmess * * * ***********************************************************************/ void F77_ENTRY_I4CCC(Kmxmes,ix,iy,nc,nl,chmess,chtit,chopt) /* { */ int i, pos; Dimension dw, dh; char *mtext = NULL; char *tit = fstrdup( chtit, len_chtit ); char *opt = fstrdup( chopt, len_chopt ); int mlen = 0; int do_popup = 0; Boolean dogeom = True; int gh, gw, gx, gy; if (*nl == 0) return; sscanf (srec.higzmess_geometry, "%dx%d+%d+%d", &gw, &gh, &gx, &gy); if (gw == 0 && gh == 0 && gx == 0 && gy == 0) dogeom = False; /* Create window if not done */ if (km_HigzOutput == NULL ) { XmString xmstr; Position xr = (Position) *ix; Position yr = (Position) *iy; int flag = 0; km_HigzOutput = km_kuipScroll1(flag); km_store_appShell (km_HigzOutput, tit); xmstr = XmStringCreateLtoR(tit, XmSTRING_DEFAULT_CHARSET); if (!dogeom) { XtVaSetValues(km_HigzOutput, XmNdialogTitle, xmstr, XmNx, xr, XmNy, yr, NULL); } else { XtVaSetValues(km_HigzOutput, XmNdialogTitle, xmstr, XmNx, (Position)gx, XmNy, (Position)gy, NULL); } XmStringFree(xmstr); do_popup = 1; } /* Write text */ UxKuipScroll1Context = (_UxCkuipScroll1 *)UxGetContext(km_HigzOutput); /* set help_font (proportional) if defined */ if (help_font != NULL ) XtVaSetValues(scrollText1, XmNfontList, help_font, NULL); pos = XmTextGetLastPosition(scrollText1); for( i = 0; i < *nl; i++) { char *mess = fstrdup( &chmess[len_chmess*i], len_chmess ); int len = strlen(mess); if (len > mlen) { mlen = len; mtext = strdup ( mess ); } mess = mstrcat (mess, "\n"); XmTextInsert(scrollText1, pos, mess); pos = XmTextGetLastPosition(scrollText1); free (mess); } if (!dogeom) { if (help_font_struct != NULL) { /* calculate width according to maximum text line length */ if (mtext != NULL) dw = (Dimension) XTextWidth(help_font_struct, mtext, strlen(mtext)); dw += 50; XtVaGetValues(km_HigzOutput, XmNheight, &dh, NULL); } else XtVaGetValues(km_HigzOutput, XmNheight, &dh, XmNwidth, &dw, NULL); if (dw != 0 && dh != 0) XtVaSetValues(km_HigzOutput, XmNwidth, dw, XmNheight, dh, NULL); } else { /* if dogeom */ XtVaSetValues(km_HigzOutput, XmNwidth, (Dimension)gw, XmNheight, (Dimension)gh, NULL); } XmTextInsert(scrollText1, pos, "--->\n"); pos = XmTextGetLastPosition(scrollText1); XmTextShowPosition(scrollText1, pos); /* if (do_popup) UxPopupInterface(km_HigzOutput, XtGrabNone); */ /* otherwise window can be obscured and not visible anymore */ UxPopupInterface(km_HigzOutput, XtGrabNone); free(tit); free(opt); }