/* * $Id: kuvers.c,v 1.10 1997/09/25 14:02:27 cremel Exp $ * * $Log: kuvers.c,v $ * Revision 1.10 1997/09/25 14:02:27 cremel * VECTOR WRITE (kxwriv.F): increase limitation of number of vectors in the * list VLIST from 10 to 30 (same value as in kxreav.F for VECTOR/READ). * Update HELP for VECTOR/WRITE and VECTOR/READ and mention explicitely this * limitation. Improve error message in kxwriv.F and kxreav.F by * adding explicitely VECTOR/WRITE and VECTOR/READ. * + Increase KUIP version number to 2.07/16 (25/09/97). * * Revision 1.9 1997/08/29 10:08:55 cremel * Increase version number to 2.07/15. * * Revision 1.8 1997/07/08 09:48:22 cremel * New version 2.07/14 : * bug correction in VECTOR/READ (for free FORMAT suppress the limitation of * 80 characters and protect the code when number of tokens > 50) - * see example: vec2.kumac + vec2.dat + vec2bad.dat * * Revision 1.7 1997/06/18 12:13:06 couet * - vers ++ * * Revision 1.6 1997/03/11 09:43:44 cremel * Bug correction in command WAIT (after answering "Q" to a "WAIT" statement, * the ability to issue several HISTOGRAM/PLOT statements on a single line, * separated by semicolons, disappears). * kexec.c : add a test on the variable "kc_flags.in_macro". * kuvers.c : increase version number to 2.07/13 * * Revision 1.5 1997/03/04 14:03:15 cremel * Increase KUIP version to 2.07/12 with the date of modification (commit) * for routine kxlisv.F (bug correction in VECTOR/LIST). * * Revision 1.4 1997/01/21 08:15:55 cremel * Increase version number for KUIP: 2.07/11 * * Revision 1.3 1996/10/24 12:08:08 cremel * Version 2.07/10 * * Revision 1.2 1996/10/14 09:01:34 cremel * Change place of initialization for do_exit and do_quit (from kuwhat to * kuinit) in order to allow "exit" in pawlogon.kumac. * * Revision 1996/03/08 15:32:58 mclareni * Kuip * */ /*CMZ : 2.06/09 06/03/95 11.50.43 by Gunter Folger*/ /*-- Author : Gunter Folger 02/03/95*/ /*-- Author : Maarten Ballintijn 01/03/95*/ /* define static char vidqq[]; */ /*KEEP,VIDQQ,T=PASS.*/ static char vidqq[] = "@(#)KUIP 2.07/16 25/09/97 12:00.00 C: 25/09/97 12:00.00"; /*KEND.*/ /* * Return the static version string for KUIP */ char * ku_vers() { /* skip the 4 char that contain the "what" string */ return &vidqq[4]; }