/* * $Id: getline.c,v 1.3 1998/08/25 12:47:32 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: getline.c,v $ * Revision 1.3 1998/08/25 12:47:32 mclareni * QMGLIBC changes for Linux RH51 * * Revision 1.2 1997/03/17 16:54:56 mclareni * WNT mods * * Revision 1997/01/21 11:32:44 mclareni * All mods for Winnt 96a on winnt branch * * Revision 1996/03/08 15:32:55 mclareni * Kuip * */ #if !defined(CERNLIB_IBMALL) /*CMZ : 2.06/03 12/01/95 17.04.22 by Gunter Folger*/ /*-- Author :*/ #include "kuip/kuip.h" #include "kuip/kfor.h" #include "kuip/kmenu.h" #include "kuip/kflag.h" #if 0 static char rcsid[] = "$Id: getline.c,v 1.3 1998/08/25 12:47:32 mclareni Exp $"; static char *copyright = "Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, Chris Thewalt"; #endif /* * Copyright (C) 1991, 1992 by Chris Thewalt (thewalt@ce.berkeley.edu) * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software * for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided * that the above copyright notices appear in all copies and that both the * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in supporting * documentation. This software is provided "as is" without express or * implied warranty. */ static int gl_tab(); /* forward reference needed for gl_tab_hook */ /********************* exported interface ********************************/ #if defined(CERNLIB_QMGLIBC) extern char *getline2( const char* ); /* read a line of input */ #else extern char *getline( const char* ); /* read a line of input */ #endif extern void gl_setwidth( int ); /* specify width of screen */ extern void gl_histadd( const char* ); /* adds entries to hist */ extern void gl_char_init(); /* get ready for no echo input */ extern void gl_char_cleanup(); /* undo gl_char_init */ extern int gl_reset(); /* cleanup interrupted getline */ extern void gl_reinit(); /* reinitialize interrupted getline */ int (*gl_in_hook)() = 0; int (*gl_out_hook)() = 0; int (*gl_tab_hook)() = gl_tab; /******************** imported interface *********************************/ /* #include #include #include #include extern int isatty(); extern void *malloc(); extern void free(); extern int raise(); */ /******************** internal interface *********************************/ #define BUF_SIZE 1024 static int gl_init_done = -1; /* terminal mode flag */ static int gl_char_init_done = 0; /* has gl_char_init been called */ static int gl_termw = 80; /* actual terminal width */ static int gl_scroll = 27; /* width of EOL scrolling region */ static int gl_width = 0; /* net size available for input */ static int gl_extent = 0; /* how far to redraw, 0 means all */ static int gl_overwrite = 0; /* overwrite mode */ static int gl_def_overwrite = 0; /* default overwrite mode */ static int gl_edit_style = 0; /* 0=ksh 1=DCL */ static int gl_no_echo = 0; /* do not echo input characters */ static int gl_passwd = 0; /* do not echo input characters */ static int gl_erase_line = 0; /* erase line before returning */ static int gl_pos, gl_cnt = 0; /* position and size of input */ static char gl_buf[BUF_SIZE]; /* input buffer */ static char gl_killbuf[BUF_SIZE]=""; /* killed text */ static char gl_outbuf[BUF_SIZE]=""; /* output buffer for gl_putc() */ static char *gl_outptr = gl_outbuf; /* ptr to next free pos. in outbuf */ static const char *gl_prompt; /* to save the prompt string */ static int gl_intrc = 0; /* keyboard SIGINT char */ static int gl_quitc = 0; /* keyboard SIGQUIT char */ static int gl_suspc = 0; /* keyboard SIGTSTP char */ static int gl_dsuspc = 0; /* delayed SIGTSTP char */ static int gl_search_mode = 0; /* search mode flag */ static void gl_init(); /* prepare to edit a line */ static void gl_cleanup(); /* to undo gl_init */ static void gl_addchar(); /* install specified char */ static void gl_del(); /* del, either left (-1) or cur (0) */ static void gl_delword(); /* delete word */ static void gl_error(); /* write error msg and die */ static void gl_fixup( const char*, int, int); /* fixup state variables and screen */ static int gl_getc(); /* read one char from terminal */ static void gl_kill(); /* delete to EOL */ static void gl_newline(); /* handle \n or \r */ static void gl_putc(); /* write one char to terminal */ static void gl_puts(); /* write a line to terminal */ static void gl_flush(); /* write out gl_putc() buffer */ static void gl_redraw(); /* issue \n and redraw all */ static void gl_transpose(); /* transpose two chars */ static void gl_yank(); /* yank killed text */ static void hist_init(); /* initializes hist pointers */ static char *hist_next(); /* return ptr to next item */ static char *hist_prev(); /* return ptr to prev item */ static char *hist_save(); /* makes copy of a string, without NL */ static void search_addchar(); /* increment search string */ static void search_term(); /* reset with current contents */ static void search_back(); /* look back for current string */ static void search_forw(); /* look forw for current string */ /************************ nonportable part *********************************/ /* extern int write(); extern void exit(); */ #ifdef TERMIO_POSIX #include static struct termios new_termios, old_termios; #endif #ifdef TERMIO_BSD #include #include static struct sgttyb new_tty, old_tty; static struct tchars tch; static struct ltchars ltch; static int typeahead_count; static char typeahead_buffer[1024]; #endif #ifdef TERMIO_SYSV #include #include static struct termio new_termio, old_termio; #endif #ifdef vms static int setbuff[2]; /* buffer to set terminal attributes */ static short chan = -1; /* channel to terminal */ static int enable_ast; /* reenable ^C AST */ static struct dsc$descriptor_s descrip; /* VMS descriptor */ #endif void gl_config( const char *which, int value ) { if( strcmp( which, "overwrite" ) == 0 ) gl_def_overwrite = value; else if( strcmp( which, "style" ) == 0 ) gl_edit_style = value; else if( strcmp( which, "noecho" ) == 0 ) gl_no_echo = value; else if( strcmp( which, "erase" ) == 0 ) gl_erase_line = value; else printf( "gl_config: %s ?\n", which ); } void gl_char_init() /* turn off input echo */ { if (isatty(0) == 0 || isatty(1) == 0) return; #ifdef vms gl_intrc = 'C' - '@'; /* ^C */ gl_quitc = 'Y' - '@' + 128; /* ^Y quit in DCL and yank in KSH */ #endif #if defined(MSDOS) || defined(WIN32) || defined(CERNLIB_WINNT) gl_intrc = 'C' - '@'; /* ^C */ gl_quitc = 'Y' - '@'; /* ^Y quit in DCL and yank in KSH */ #endif #ifdef TERMIO_POSIX tcgetattr(0, &old_termios); gl_intrc = old_termios.c_cc[VINTR]; gl_quitc = old_termios.c_cc[VQUIT]; # ifdef VSUSP gl_suspc = old_termios.c_cc[VSUSP]; # endif # ifdef VDSUSP gl_dsuspc = old_termios.c_cc[VDSUSP]; # endif new_termios = old_termios; new_termios.c_iflag &= ~(BRKINT|ISTRIP|IXON|IXOFF|INLCR|IGNCR|ICRNL); new_termios.c_iflag |= (IGNBRK|IGNPAR); new_termios.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON|ISIG|IEXTEN|ECHO); new_termios.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; new_termios.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; #endif #ifdef TERMIO_BSD ioctl(0, TIOCGETC, &tch); ioctl(0, TIOCGLTC, <ch); gl_intrc = tch.t_intrc; gl_quitc = tch.t_quitc; gl_suspc = ltch.t_suspc; gl_dsuspc = ltch.t_dsuspc; ioctl(0, TIOCGETP, &old_tty); new_tty = old_tty; new_tty.sg_flags |= RAW; new_tty.sg_flags &= ~ECHO; #endif #ifdef TERMIO_SYSV ioctl(0, TCGETA, &old_termio); gl_intrc = old_termio.c_cc[VINTR]; gl_quitc = old_termio.c_cc[VQUIT]; new_termio = old_termio; new_termio.c_iflag &= ~(BRKINT|ISTRIP|IXON|IXOFF); new_termio.c_iflag |= (IGNBRK|IGNPAR); new_termio.c_lflag &= ~(ICANON|ISIG|ECHO); new_termio.c_cc[VMIN] = 1; new_termio.c_cc[VTIME] = 0; #endif gl_char_init_done = 1; } static void gl_char_reinit() /* turn off input echo */ { #ifdef TERMIO_POSIX tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &new_termios); #endif #ifdef TERMIO_BSD /* * switching the BSD driver to RAW mode discards the input queue * we save the type-ahead in a buffer which gl_getc() uses */ typeahead_count = 0; while( 1 ) { fd_set readfds; struct timeval timeout; FD_ZERO( &readfds ); FD_SET( 0, &readfds ); timeout.tv_sec = 0; timeout.tv_usec = 0; if( select( 1, SELECT_CAST(&readfds), NULL, NULL, &timeout ) > 0 ) { read( 0, &typeahead_buffer[typeahead_count++], 1 ); } else break; } ioctl(0, TIOCSETP, &new_tty); #endif #ifdef TERMIO_SYSV ioctl(0, TCSETA, &new_termio); #endif #ifdef vms /* cancel pending ^C AST */ enable_ast = control_C_ast( 0 ); var_descriptor( descrip, "TT:" ); (void)sys$assign(&descrip,&chan,0,0); (void)sys$qiow(0,chan,IO$_SENSEMODE,0,0,0,setbuff,8,0,0,0,0); setbuff[1] |= TT$M_NOECHO; (void)sys$qiow(0,chan,IO$_SETMODE,0,0,0,setbuff,8,0,0,0,0); /* * Install exit() as ^Y AST which is called when the input terminal * hangs up, e.g. by closing the window before leaving the application. */ sys$qiow( 0, chan, IO$_SETMODE | IO$M_CTRLYAST, 0, 0, 0, exit, 0, PSL$C_USER, 0, 0, 0 ); #endif /* vms */ } void gl_char_cleanup() /* undo effects of gl_char_init */ { if (isatty(0) == 0 || isatty(1) == 0) return; #ifdef TERMIO_POSIX tcsetattr(0, TCSANOW, &old_termios); #endif #ifdef TERMIO_BSD ioctl(0, TIOCSETP, &old_tty); #endif #ifdef TERMIO_SYSV ioctl(0, TCSETA, &old_termio); #endif #ifdef vms setbuff[1] &= ~TT$M_NOECHO; (void)sys$qiow(0,chan,IO$_SETMODE,0,0,0,setbuff,8,0,0,0,0); sys$dassgn(chan); chan = -1; /* reenable ^C AST */ control_C_ast( enable_ast ); #endif } static void gl_flush() /* flush gl_putc() buffer */ { if( gl_outptr != gl_outbuf ) { write( 1, gl_outbuf, gl_outptr - gl_outbuf ); gl_outptr = gl_outbuf; } } /* execute the idle command */ static int gl_idle() { int old_timeout = kc_value.idle_time; kc_value.idle_time = 0; /* in case idle command causes a prompt */ gl_fixup( gl_prompt, -1, 0 ); gl_puts( kc_value.idle_cmd ); gl_putc( '\n' ); gl_cleanup(); ku_exel( kc_value.idle_cmd ); gl_init(); gl_fixup( gl_prompt, -2, gl_pos ); kc_value.idle_time = old_timeout; return 0; } #if defined(MSDOS) && !defined(WIN32) // +DECK, PAUSE, T=XCC, IF=WINNT. (from KERNDOS.CAR ) # include int pause_() { int first_char; first_char = _getch(); if (first_char == 0 || first_char == 0xE0) first_char = -_getch(); return first_char; } #elif defined(CERNLIB_WINNT) /*_____________________________________________________________________________*/ int pause_(){ static HANDLE hConsoleInput = NULL; static iCharCount = 0; static int chLastChar = 0; DWORD cRead; INPUT_RECORD pirBuffer; KEY_EVENT_RECORD *KeyEvent= (KEY_EVENT_RECORD *)&(pirBuffer.Event); if (!hConsoleInput) hConsoleInput = GetStdHandle(STD_INPUT_HANDLE); if (iCharCount) iCharCount--; /* Whether several symbols had been read */ else { chLastChar = 0; while (chLastChar == 0) { if (!ReadConsoleInput(hConsoleInput, /* handle of a console input buffer */ &pirBuffer, /* address of the buffer for read data */ 1, /* number of records to read */ &cRead /* address of number of records read */ )) return 0; if (pirBuffer.EventType == KEY_EVENT && KeyEvent->bKeyDown == TRUE){ iCharCount = KeyEvent->wRepeatCount - 1; chLastChar = ((int) (KeyEvent->uChar).AsciiChar & 0xffff); if (chLastChar) OemToCharBuff((char const *)&chLastChar,(char *)&chLastChar,1); else chLastChar = - (KeyEvent->wVirtualScanCode); } } } return chLastChar; } #endif static int gl_getc() /* get a character without echoing it to screen */ { #if defined(MSDOS) || defined(CERNLIB_WINNT) || defined(WIN32) # define k_ctrl_C 3 # define k_ctrl_Z 26 # define k_ctrl_Q 17 # define k_ctrl_K 11 # define k_rt_arr -77 # define k_lt_arr -75 # define k_up_arr -72 # define k_dn_arr -80 # define k_PGUP -73 # define k_PGDW -81 # define k_HOME -71 # define k_END -79 # define k_INS -82 # define k_DEL -83 # define k_ENTER 13 # define k_CR 13 # define k_BS 8 # define k_ESC 27 # define k_alt_H -35 # define k_beep 7 # ifndef CERNLIB_WINNT int get_cursor__(int *,int *); int display_off__(int *); int display_on__(); int locate_(int *,int *); int ixc, iyc; # endif #endif #ifdef vms short iosb[4]; #endif int c; char ch; gl_flush(); #ifdef UNIX # ifdef TERMIO_BSD if( typeahead_count > 0 ) { int i; c = typeahead_buffer[0]; typeahead_count--; for( i = 0; i < typeahead_count; i++ ) typeahead_buffer[i] = typeahead_buffer[i+1]; return c; } # endif # ifndef MSDOS do { # ifdef HAVE_SELECT if( kc_value.idle_time > 0 ) { fd_set readfds; struct timeval timeout; FD_ZERO( &readfds ); FD_SET( 0, &readfds ); timeout.tv_sec = kc_value.idle_time; timeout.tv_usec = 0; if( select( 1, SELECT_CAST(&readfds), NULL, NULL, &timeout ) == 0 ) return gl_idle(); } # endif errno = 0; c = (read(0, &ch, 1) > 0)? ch : -1; } while (errno == EINTR); # else /* MSDOS */ c = pause_(); if (c < 0) { switch (c) { case k_up_arr: c = 16; /* up -> ^P */ break; case k_dn_arr: c = 14; /* down -> ^N */ break; case k_lt_arr: c = 2; /* left -> ^B */ break; case k_rt_arr: c = 6; /* right -> ^F */ break; case k_INS: c = 15; /* right -> ^F */ break; case k_DEL: c = 4; /* Delete character under cursor */ break; case k_END: c = 5; /* Moves cursor to end of line */ break; case k_HOME: c = 1; /* Moves cursor to beginning of line */ break; # ifndef CERNLIB_WINNT case k_PGUP: c = 0; display_on__(); break; case k_PGDW: c =0; get_cursor__(&ixc, &iyc); display_off__(&iyc); locate_(&ixc,&iyc); break; # endif default: c = 0; /* make it garbage */ } } else { switch(c) { case k_ESC: c = 'U' - '@'; /* Clear full line -> ^U */ break; case k_ctrl_C: raise(SIGINT); /* Ctrl-C handle */ break; default: break; } } # endif #endif #ifdef vms c = '\0'; if( kc_value.idle_time > 0 ) { sys$qiow( 0, chan, IO$_TTYREADALL | IO$M_TIMED, iosb, 0, 0, &c, 1, kc_value.idle_time + 1, 0, 0, 0 ); if( iosb[0] == SS$_TIMEOUT ) return gl_idle(); } else { sys$qiow( 0, chan, IO$_TTYREADALL, iosb, 0, 0, &c, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ); } if( iosb[0] == SS$_NORMAL ) c &= 0177; /* get a char */ else c = -1; /* EOF */ #endif return c; } static void gl_putc(c) int c; { char ch = c; #if defined(WIN32) || defined(CERNLIB_WINNT) CharToOemBuff((char const *)&c,&ch,1); #endif if( gl_passwd && isgraph( c ) ) ch = ' '; /* buffer characters because VMS C-I/O is sooo slow */ *gl_outptr++ = ch; #ifdef TERMIO_MAP_NL if (ch == '\n') { /* BSD in RAW mode, map NL to NL,CR */ *gl_outptr++ = '\r'; } #endif *gl_outptr = '\0'; } /******************** fairly portable part *********************************/ static void gl_puts(buf) char *buf; { /* int len = strlen(buf); write(1, buf, len); */ while( *buf != '\0' ) gl_putc( *buf++ ); } static void gl_error(buf) char *buf; { int len = strlen(buf); gl_cleanup(); #if defined(WIN32) || defined(CERNLIB_WINNT) { char *OemBuf = (char *)malloc(2*len); CharToOemBuff(buf,OemBuf,len); write(2, OemBuf, len); free(OemBuf); } #else write(2, buf, len); #endif /* exit(1); */ } static void gl_init() /* set up variables and terminal */ { if (gl_init_done < 0) { /* -1 only on startup */ hist_init(); } if (!gl_char_init_done) gl_char_init(); gl_char_reinit(); gl_init_done = 1; gl_overwrite = gl_def_overwrite; gl_outptr = gl_outbuf; /* reset gl_putc() buffer */ } static void gl_cleanup() /* undo effects of gl_init, as necessary */ { gl_flush(); if (gl_init_done > 0) gl_char_cleanup(); gl_init_done = 0; } void gl_reinit() /* reinitialize terminal */ { if (isatty(0) == 0 || isatty(1) == 0) return; if (gl_init_done == 0) { gl_char_reinit(); gl_init_done = 1; } } int gl_reset() /* undo effects of gl_init, as necessary */ { int set = 0; if (isatty(0) == 0 || isatty(1) == 0) return set; if (gl_init_done > 0) { gl_char_cleanup(); gl_init_done = 0; set = 1; } return set; } void gl_setwidth(w) int w; { if (w > 20) { gl_termw = w; gl_scroll = w / 3; } else { gl_error("\n*** Error: minimum screen width is 21\n"); } } #if defined(CERNLIB_QMGLIBC) char *getline2( const char *prompt ) #else char *getline( const char *prompt ) #endif { int c, loc, tmp; int sig; if( prompt != NULL ) gl_prompt = prompt; else gl_prompt = ""; gl_buf[0] = 0; gl_init(); if (gl_in_hook) gl_in_hook(gl_buf); gl_fixup(gl_prompt, -2, BUF_SIZE); while ((c = gl_getc()) != -1) { /* -1 for EOF */ gl_extent = 0; /* reset to full extent */ #if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(CERNLIB_WINNT) if (isprint(c)) { #else if (c >= ' ') { #endif if (gl_search_mode) search_addchar(c); else gl_addchar(c); } else { int dcl_xlate = (gl_edit_style == 1); if (gl_search_mode) { if (c == '\033' || c == '\016' || c == '\020') { search_term(); c = 0; /* ignore the character */ } else if (c == '\010' || c == '\177') { search_addchar(-1); /* unwind search string */ c = 0; } else if (c != '\022' && c != '\023') { search_term(); /* terminate and handle char */ } } if( c == '\033' ) { c = gl_getc(); if (c == '[' || c == 'O') c = gl_getc(); switch( c ) { case 'A': /* up */ c = 'P' - '@'; dcl_xlate = 0; break; case 'B': /* down */ c = 'N' - '@'; dcl_xlate = 0; break; case 'C': /* right */ c = 'F' - '@'; dcl_xlate = 0; break; case 'D': /* left */ c = 'B' - '@'; dcl_xlate = 0; break; default: /* who knows */ gl_putc('\007'); c = 0; break; case '2': c = gl_getc(); if( gl_getc() == '~' ) { /* DEC function keys */ switch( c ) { case '4': /* F12 == ^H */ c = 'H' - '@'; break; case '5': /* F13 == ^J */ c = 'J' - '@'; break; case '6': /* F14 == ^A */ c = 'A' - '@'; break; default: gl_putc('\007'); c = 0; break; } } } } if( c != 0 && dcl_xlate ) { /* translate DCL control characters */ switch( c ) { case '\001': /* ^A toggles overwrite mode */ c = 'O' - '@'; break; case '\002': /* ^B recall previous line */ c = 'P' - '@'; break; case '\004': /* ^D moves cursor left */ c = 'B' - '@'; break; case '\010': /* ^H moves cursor to beginning of line */ c = 'A' - '@'; break; case '\012': /* ^J deletes previous word */ gl_delword(); c = 0; break; case '\022': /* ^R refreshes line */ c = 'L' - '@'; break; case '\030': /* ^X flush type-ahead then ^U */ case '\025': /* ^U deletes from beginning of line */ strcpy( &gl_buf[0], &gl_buf[gl_pos] ); gl_fixup( gl_prompt, 0, 0 ); c = 0; break; case '\031': /* ^Y aborts */ c = gl_quitc; break; case '\032': /* ^Z is EOF */ c = 'D' - '@'; break; /* the following codes are the same in both modes */ case '\003': /* ^C interrupts */ case '\005': /* ^E moves cursor to end of line */ case '\006': /* ^F moves cursor right */ case '\011': /* ^I moves to next tab position */ case '\015': /* ^M terminates input */ case '\016': /* ^N recalls next command */ case '\177': /* DEL deletes character */ break; default: /* the rest rings a bell */ c = 'G' - '@'; } } switch (c) { case '\n': case '\r': /* newline */ gl_newline(); gl_cleanup(); return gl_buf; /*NOTREACHED*/ break; case '\001': gl_fixup(gl_prompt, -1, 0); /* ^A */ break; case '\002': gl_fixup(gl_prompt, -1, gl_pos-1); /* ^B */ break; case '\004': /* ^D */ if (gl_cnt == 0) { /* ignore ^D for completely empty line gl_buf[0] = 0; gl_cleanup(); gl_putc('\n'); return gl_buf; */ } else { gl_del(0); } break; case '\005': gl_fixup(gl_prompt, -1, gl_cnt); /* ^E */ break; case '\006': gl_fixup(gl_prompt, -1, gl_pos+1); /* ^F */ break; case '\010': case '\177': gl_del(-1); /* ^H and DEL */ break; case '\t': /* TAB */ if (gl_tab_hook) { tmp = gl_pos; loc = gl_tab_hook(gl_buf, strlen(gl_prompt), &tmp); if (loc >= 0 || tmp != gl_pos) gl_fixup(gl_prompt, loc, tmp); } break; case '\013': gl_kill(); /* ^K */ break; case '\014': gl_redraw(); /* ^L */ break; case '\016': /* ^N */ strcpy(gl_buf, hist_next()); if (gl_in_hook) gl_in_hook(gl_buf); gl_fixup(gl_prompt, 0, BUF_SIZE); break; case '\017': gl_overwrite = !gl_overwrite; /* ^O */ break; case '\020': /* ^P */ strcpy(gl_buf, hist_prev()); if (gl_in_hook) gl_in_hook(gl_buf); gl_fixup(gl_prompt, 0, BUF_SIZE); break; case '\022': search_back(1); /* ^R */ break; case '\023': search_forw(1); /* ^S */ break; case '\024': gl_transpose(); /* ^T */ break; case '\025': gl_fixup(gl_prompt,-1,0); gl_kill(); /* ^U */ break; case '\031': gl_yank(); /* ^Y */ break; default: /* check for a terminal signal */ #if !defined(MSDOS) || defined(WIN32) || defined(CERNLIB_WINNT) if (c > 0) { /* ignore 0 (reset above) */ sig = 0; # ifndef vms # ifdef SIGINT if (c == gl_intrc) sig = SIGINT; # endif # ifdef SIGQUIT if (c == gl_quitc) sig = SIGQUIT; # endif # ifdef SIGTSTP if (c == gl_suspc || c == gl_dsuspc) sig = SIGTSTP; # endif # else /* vms */ if (c == gl_intrc) sig = SS$_DEBUG; if (c == gl_quitc) sig = SS$_CONTROLY; # endif /* vms */ if (sig != 0) { gl_cleanup(); # ifndef vms # ifdef SIGTSTP /* * Send signal to process group to propagate ^Z to the * interactive shell in case the program was started * from a shell script. */ # ifdef GETPGRP_BSD kill( -getpgrp( 0 ), sig ); # else kill( -getpgrp(), sig ); # endif # else #ifdef WIN32 if (sig == SIGINT) GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent(CTRL_C_EVENT,0); else #endif raise(sig); # endif # else lib$signal( sig ); # endif gl_init(); gl_redraw(); c = 0; } } #endif if (c != 0) /* warn user for strange character typed */ gl_putc('\007'); break; } } } gl_cleanup(); return NULL; /* EOF reached */ } static void gl_addchar(c) int c; /* adds the character c to the input buffer at current location */ { int i; if (gl_cnt >= BUF_SIZE - 1) gl_error("\n*** Error: getline(): input buffer overflow\n"); if (gl_overwrite == 0 || gl_pos == gl_cnt) { for (i=gl_cnt; i >= gl_pos; i--) gl_buf[i+1] = gl_buf[i]; gl_buf[gl_pos] = c; gl_fixup(gl_prompt, gl_pos, gl_pos+1); } else { gl_buf[gl_pos] = c; gl_extent = 1; gl_fixup(gl_prompt, gl_pos, gl_pos+1); } } static void gl_yank() /* adds the kill buffer to the input buffer at current location */ { int i, len; len = strlen(gl_killbuf); if (len > 0) { if (gl_overwrite == 0) { if (gl_cnt + len >= BUF_SIZE - 1) gl_error("\n*** Error: getline(): input buffer overflow\n"); for (i=gl_cnt; i >= gl_pos; i--) gl_buf[i+len] = gl_buf[i]; for (i=0; i < len; i++) gl_buf[gl_pos+i] = gl_killbuf[i]; gl_fixup(gl_prompt, gl_pos, gl_pos+len); } else { if (gl_pos + len > gl_cnt) { if (gl_pos + len >= BUF_SIZE - 1) gl_error("\n*** Error: getline(): input buffer overflow\n"); gl_buf[gl_pos + len] = 0; } for (i=0; i < len; i++) gl_buf[gl_pos+i] = gl_killbuf[i]; gl_extent = len; gl_fixup(gl_prompt, gl_pos, gl_pos+len); } } /* else gl_putc('\007'); */ } static void gl_transpose() /* switch character under cursor and to left of cursor */ { int c; if (gl_pos > 0 && gl_cnt > gl_pos) { c = gl_buf[gl_pos-1]; gl_buf[gl_pos-1] = gl_buf[gl_pos]; gl_buf[gl_pos] = c; gl_extent = 2; gl_fixup(gl_prompt, gl_pos-1, gl_pos); } /* else gl_putc('\007'); */ } static void gl_newline() /* * Cleans up entire line before returning to caller. A \n is appended. * If line longer than screen, we redraw starting at beginning */ { int change = gl_cnt; int len = gl_cnt; int loc = gl_width - 5; /* shifts line back to start position */ if (gl_cnt >= BUF_SIZE - 1) gl_error("\n*** Error: getline(): input buffer overflow\n"); if (gl_out_hook) { change = gl_out_hook(gl_buf); len = strlen(gl_buf); } if( gl_erase_line ) { char gl_buf0 = gl_buf[0]; gl_buf[0] = '\0'; gl_fixup("", 0, 0); gl_buf[0] = gl_buf0; } else { if (loc > len) loc = len; gl_fixup(gl_prompt, change, loc); /* must do this before appending \n */ gl_putc('\n'); } gl_buf[len] = '\n'; gl_buf[len+1] = '\0'; } static void gl_del(loc) int loc; /* * Delete a character. The loc variable can be: * -1 : delete character to left of cursor * 0 : delete character under cursor */ { int i; if ((loc == -1 && gl_pos > 0) || (loc == 0 && gl_pos < gl_cnt)) { for (i=gl_pos+loc; i < gl_cnt; i++) gl_buf[i] = gl_buf[i+1]; gl_fixup(gl_prompt, gl_pos+loc, gl_pos+loc); } /* else gl_putc('\007'); */ } static void gl_delword() /* * Delete previous word (^J/LF on VMS) */ { static char punct[] = " `!$&(-=+]}\\|;:'\",<.>?"; int i = gl_pos; while( i > 0 && strchr( punct, gl_buf[i-1] ) != NULL ) i--; while( i > 0 && strchr( punct, gl_buf[i-1] ) == NULL ) i--; strcpy( gl_buf + i, gl_buf + gl_pos ); gl_fixup(gl_prompt, i, i ); } static void gl_kill() /* delete from current position to the end of line */ { if (gl_pos < gl_cnt) { strcpy(gl_killbuf, gl_buf + gl_pos); gl_buf[gl_pos] = '\0'; gl_fixup(gl_prompt, gl_pos, gl_pos); } /* else gl_putc('\007'); */ } static void gl_redraw() /* emit a newline, reset and redraw prompt and current input line */ { if (gl_init_done > 0) { gl_putc('\n'); gl_fixup(gl_prompt, -2, gl_pos); } } static void gl_fixup( const char *prompt, int change, int cursor ) /* * This function is used both for redrawing when input changes or for * moving within the input line. The parameters are: * prompt: compared to last_prompt[] for changes; * change : the index of the start of changes in the input buffer, * with -1 indicating no changes, -2 indicating we're on * a new line, redraw everything. * cursor : the desired location of the cursor after the call. * A value of BUF_SIZE can be used to indicate the cursor should * move just past the end of the input line. */ { static int gl_shift; /* index of first on screen character */ static int off_right; /* true if more text right of screen */ static int off_left; /* true if more text left of screen */ static char *last_prompt = NULL; int left = 0, right = -1; /* bounds for redraw */ int pad; /* how much to erase at end of line */ int backup; /* how far to backup before fixing */ int new_shift; /* value of shift based on cursor */ int extra; /* adjusts when shift (scroll) happens */ int i; int new_right = -1; /* alternate right bound, using gl_extent */ int l1, l2; if( last_prompt == NULL ) last_prompt = strdup( "" ); if (change == -2) { /* reset */ gl_pos = gl_cnt = gl_shift = off_right = off_left = 0; gl_passwd = 0; gl_puts(prompt); gl_passwd = gl_no_echo; free( last_prompt ); last_prompt = strdup( prompt ); change = 0; gl_width = gl_termw - strlen(prompt); } else if (strcmp(prompt, last_prompt) != 0) { l1 = strlen(last_prompt); l2 = strlen(prompt); gl_cnt = gl_cnt + l1 - l2; free( last_prompt ); last_prompt = strdup( prompt ); backup = gl_pos - gl_shift + l1; for (i=0; i < backup; i++) gl_putc('\b'); gl_passwd = 0; gl_puts(prompt); gl_passwd = gl_no_echo; gl_pos = gl_shift; gl_width = gl_termw - l2; change = 0; } pad = (off_right)? gl_width - 1 : gl_cnt - gl_shift; /* old length */ backup = gl_pos - gl_shift; if (change >= 0) { gl_cnt = strlen(gl_buf); if (change > gl_cnt) change = gl_cnt; } if (cursor > gl_cnt) { /* BUF_SIZE means end of line */ /* if (cursor != BUF_SIZE) gl_putc('\007'); */ cursor = gl_cnt; } if (cursor < 0) { /* gl_putc('\007'); */ cursor = 0; } if (off_right || (off_left && cursor < gl_shift + gl_width - gl_scroll / 2)) extra = 2; /* shift the scrolling boundary */ else extra = 0; new_shift = cursor + extra + gl_scroll - gl_width; if (new_shift > 0) { new_shift /= gl_scroll; new_shift *= gl_scroll; } else new_shift = 0; if (new_shift != gl_shift) { /* scroll occurs */ gl_shift = new_shift; off_left = (gl_shift)? 1 : 0; off_right = (gl_cnt > gl_shift + gl_width - 1)? 1 : 0; left = gl_shift; new_right = right = (off_right)? gl_shift + gl_width - 2 : gl_cnt; } else if (change >= 0) { /* no scroll, but text changed */ if (change < gl_shift + off_left) { left = gl_shift; } else { left = change; backup = gl_pos - change; } off_right = (gl_cnt > gl_shift + gl_width - 1)? 1 : 0; right = (off_right)? gl_shift + gl_width - 2 : gl_cnt; new_right = (gl_extent && (right > left + gl_extent))? left + gl_extent : right; } pad -= (off_right)? gl_width - 1 : gl_cnt - gl_shift; pad = (pad < 0)? 0 : pad; if (left <= right) { /* clean up screen */ for (i=0; i < backup; i++) gl_putc('\b'); if (left == gl_shift && off_left) { gl_putc('$'); left++; } for (i=left; i < new_right; i++) gl_putc(gl_buf[i]); gl_pos = new_right; if (off_right && new_right == right) { gl_putc('$'); gl_pos++; } else { for (i=0; i < pad; i++) /* erase remains of prev line */ gl_putc(' '); gl_pos += pad; } } i = gl_pos - cursor; /* move to final cursor location */ if (i > 0) { while (i--) gl_putc('\b'); } else { for (i=gl_pos; i < cursor; i++) gl_putc(gl_buf[i]); } gl_pos = cursor; } static int gl_tab(buf, offset, loc) char *buf; int offset; int *loc; /* default tab handler, acts like tabstops every 8 cols */ { int i, count, len; len = strlen(buf); count = 8 - (offset + *loc) % 8; for (i=len; i >= *loc; i--) buf[i+count] = buf[i]; for (i=0; i < count; i++) buf[*loc+i] = ' '; i = *loc; *loc = i + count; return i; } /******************* History stuff **************************************/ #ifndef HIST_SIZE #define HIST_SIZE 100 #endif static int hist_pos = 0, hist_last = 0; static char *hist_buf[HIST_SIZE]; static void hist_init() { int i; hist_buf[0] = ""; for (i=1; i < HIST_SIZE; i++) hist_buf[i] = (char *)0; } void gl_histadd( const char *buf ) { static char *prev = 0; const char *p = buf; int len; while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t' || *p == '\n') p++; if (*p) { len = strlen(buf); if (strchr(p, '\n')) /* previously line already has NL stripped */ len--; if (prev == 0 || strlen(prev) != len || strncmp(prev, buf, len) != 0) { hist_buf[hist_last] = hist_save(buf); prev = hist_buf[hist_last]; hist_last = (hist_last + 1) % HIST_SIZE; if (hist_buf[hist_last] && *hist_buf[hist_last]) { free(hist_buf[hist_last]); } hist_buf[hist_last] = ""; } } hist_pos = hist_last; } static char * hist_prev() /* loads previous hist entry into input buffer, sticks on first */ { char *p = 0; int next = (hist_pos - 1 + HIST_SIZE) % HIST_SIZE; if (hist_buf[hist_pos] != 0 && next != hist_last) { hist_pos = next; p = hist_buf[hist_pos]; } if (p == 0) { p = ""; /* gl_putc('\007'); */ } return p; } static char * hist_next() /* loads next hist entry into input buffer, clears on last */ { char *p = 0; if (hist_pos != hist_last) { hist_pos = (hist_pos+1) % HIST_SIZE; p = hist_buf[hist_pos]; } if (p == 0) { p = ""; /* gl_putc('\007'); */ } return p; } static char * hist_save(p) char *p; /* makes a copy of the string */ { char *s; int len = strlen(p); char *nl = strchr(p, '\n'); if (nl) { if ((s = malloc(len)) != 0) { strncpy(s, p, len-1); s[len-1] = 0; } } else { if ((s = malloc(len+1)) != 0) { strcpy(s, p); } } if (s == 0) gl_error("\n*** Error: hist_save() failed on malloc\n"); return s; } /******************* Search stuff **************************************/ static char search_prompt[101]; /* prompt includes search string */ static char search_string[100]; static int search_pos = 0; /* current location in search_string */ static int search_forw_flg = 0; /* search direction flag */ static int search_last = 0; /* last match found */ static void search_update(c) int c; { if (c == 0) { search_pos = 0; search_string[0] = 0; search_prompt[0] = '?'; search_prompt[1] = ' '; search_prompt[2] = 0; } else if (c > 0) { search_string[search_pos] = c; search_string[search_pos+1] = 0; search_prompt[search_pos] = c; search_prompt[search_pos+1] = '?'; search_prompt[search_pos+2] = ' '; search_prompt[search_pos+3] = 0; search_pos++; } else { if (search_pos > 0) { search_pos--; search_string[search_pos] = 0; search_prompt[search_pos] = '?'; search_prompt[search_pos+1] = ' '; search_prompt[search_pos+2] = 0; } else { gl_putc('\007'); hist_pos = hist_last; } } } static void search_addchar(c) int c; { char *loc; search_update(c); if (c < 0) { if (search_pos > 0) { hist_pos = search_last; } else { gl_buf[0] = 0; hist_pos = hist_last; } strcpy(gl_buf, hist_buf[hist_pos]); } if ((loc = strstr(gl_buf, search_string)) != 0) { gl_fixup(search_prompt, 0, loc - gl_buf); } else if (search_pos > 0) { if (search_forw_flg) { search_forw(0); } else { search_back(0); } } else { gl_fixup(search_prompt, 0, 0); } } static void search_term() { gl_search_mode = 0; if (gl_buf[0] == 0) /* not found, reset hist list */ hist_pos = hist_last; if (gl_in_hook) gl_in_hook(gl_buf); gl_fixup(gl_prompt, 0, gl_pos); } static void search_back(new_search) int new_search; { int found = 0; char *p, *loc; search_forw_flg = 0; if (gl_search_mode == 0) { search_last = hist_pos = hist_last; search_update(0); gl_search_mode = 1; gl_buf[0] = 0; gl_fixup(search_prompt, 0, 0); } else if (search_pos > 0) { while (!found) { p = hist_prev(); if (*p == 0) { /* not found, done looking */ gl_buf[0] = 0; gl_fixup(search_prompt, 0, 0); found = 1; } else if ((loc = strstr(p, search_string)) != 0) { strcpy(gl_buf, p); gl_fixup(search_prompt, 0, loc - p); if (new_search) search_last = hist_pos; found = 1; } } } else { gl_putc('\007'); } } static void search_forw(new_search) int new_search; { int found = 0; char *p, *loc; search_forw_flg = 1; if (gl_search_mode == 0) { search_last = hist_pos = hist_last; search_update(0); gl_search_mode = 1; gl_buf[0] = 0; gl_fixup(search_prompt, 0, 0); } else if (search_pos > 0) { while (!found) { p = hist_next(); if (*p == 0) { /* not found, done looking */ gl_buf[0] = 0; gl_fixup(search_prompt, 0, 0); found = 1; } else if ((loc = strstr(p, search_string)) != 0) { strcpy(gl_buf, p); gl_fixup(search_prompt, 0, loc - p); if (new_search) search_last = hist_pos; found = 1; } } } else { gl_putc('\007'); } } #endif