* * $Id: history,v 1996/02/28 16:23:25 mclareni Exp $ * * $Log: history,v $ * Revision 1996/02/28 16:23:25 mclareni * Hepdb, cdlib, etc * * * This directory was created from hepdb.car patch history Pam history in inverse chronological order: ------------------------------------------- *** WARNING CDMOVF must be compiled /NOOPT with old (e.g. V6.1) versions of DEC Fortran on OpenVMS Outstanding: ============ - CDPURG problems (WA97,NOMAD) - WA98 wishlist Version 1.20=CDPREF: use LDBFL rather than LFILE In FTOVAX call CDINIT/CDNEW: correct handling of new RZ format CDCHAR: lun should be LPRTCD CDFSND: use CDUNIQ to generate target filename CDMOVE: stop file can be tailored by env. CDSTOP RUN_HEPDB: vscrna no longer has vxcern cluster alias CDKPAK,CDKUPK: pack/unpack (time) commands CDLLS: limit NFOUND to NMAX (Rob Komar) CDHSTC,CDSOPN: mods from Doug Cowen - UPENN CDNEW: option 7 - new RZ format CDCTOI,CDATOI,CDVECT: correct UHTOC calls (missing KOFUCD) Mods to support (1) Hierarchy among the validity range keys (Default) (2) No hierarchy (option A) to be specified at the time of creation of the database Changes to: CDINIT and routines calling it : CDOPEN, CDNEW, CDUPDT, CDSHAR CDFRST, CDSTAT, CDFZUP, CDLDUP to access the flag CDVALID, CDPVAL, CDBKKS, CDCHCK, CDKSEL, CDPSEL for using it. (Sunanda Banerjee) Version 1.19=CDFSND,CDPREF: fix compile errors on VMS P=CDFZUP, CDPURG, mods from Boris Khomenko CDFSND, CDPREF: mods to handle Unix path/file names on VMS. CDMOVF. mods for UCX NFS. (This and above from Joseph Unger) CDDELF: use rm -f rather than rm. CDEX: add patches CDEX, CX77 for Boris Khomenko's "expert" interface. CDPKTM/S: minor bug fixes CDEXIT: call CDEND to close QQ files 94B Version 1.18=CDOPEN: increase CDOPTS string HDBSERV: process failed journal files P=CDINIT: mods from Boris Khomenko CDMOVF: add CHOPT: IOPTK - keep input file (else delete) CDSEND: use CDMOVF on VMS. CDSERV: skip 'last.kumac' files CDMOVE: include CZDUMM for VMS CDSNAM: call cdstsv also on VAX if=$server,if=-$online CDOPEN/CDINIT: option T: suppress check on maximum insertion time CDFZUP: previous change (1.17) resulted in IO descriptor for IACT=1 becoming undefined. CDSERV: skip also QQ files CDSERV: add z=slate CDEND: add option S for server - don't send journal file CDSERV: more printout, better protection CDGETP: get PID of server - only if nodename matches! CDMOVE: increase hostname from 20 to 80 characters CDSERV: add CDTRAP, CDWAKE to handle Unix signals. CDMAKE: correct handling for CDFILE & CDPAIR env. variables CDSERV: stop if < cdtmin secs left IF=VAX,IF=BATCH Fix bug in CDSEND for VMS (prefix was corrupted). 19/03/94 13:00 Version 1.17=CDBACKUP: new program and script to backup all database files. CDACL: define CDMODE CDSERV: split print statement for unrecognised prefix CDHEPDB: correct bug in handling # RDR files CDMOVE: correct handling of remote queue directory CDLLS: call lib$find_file_end CDFZUP: handle insertion of multiple objects in same non-partitioned directory correctly (Boris Khomenko) CDMOVE: protect against no list of servers defined. CDFOPN: print suggestions in case of open errors Add CDACL(C) to process :read & :write tags on databases Convert calls to CDSAVE to CDSTSV so that name can be reused for user-callable routine. Add CDSAVE(CHTOP,CHOPT,IRC) to permit purging of pending updates. Mods from Sundanda to recreate DICTIONAIRY in case of corruption and to permit merging of two databases. CDLOGF: protect against problem with ACCESS='APPEND' in DEC Fortran 6.1 CDAFRI: protection against corrupted data (Boris KHOMENKO) CDLINC: change flags for DECS and other little endian machines Add option C to CDEND - close permanently journal file regardless of option A. Version 1.16=Add header line to CDCHECK.COM Bug fixes to CDEXTR, CDRTFZ, CDCONF Delete CDCTOI from CDXINT New routines from Sunanda; updates to CDPURK Use CLEFT instead of CCOPYL for VIDQQ CDLKEY: set LCDRCD and IKDRCD in case of partitioned directories CDSERV: increase size of PAWC Add CDMOVE.COM and .sh CDSOPN: fix bug in OPEN for Unix CDMOVE: call CZDUMM (VMS) to avoid linking against system Generic Unix version (Sunanda Banerjee) Windows, MSDOS & Linux flags (Valery Fine) Version 1.15=CDEXAM1: correct call to CDNEW CDPAW: change IXDIV to IDIV in arg. list (Boris KHOMENKO) CDCONF: better diagnostics in case of bad HEPDB.NAMES VIDQQ identification CDOPNC: set IDIV to 0 on first entry. Set LTOP correctly Add QMVAOS flag for Alpha OSF CDHEPDB: extra protection against network problems CDLS,CDLIST,CDOPEN: correct placement of DATA statements Move LTOPCD to before KULOGN V93D (07/09/93) Reduce wait time in CDSEND.COM to 10 minutes (from 30) Version 1.14=CDMOVE: protect against NFOUND>MAXFIL Correct call to CDPWD in CDZOOM (add CHOPT) Save and restore current directory in CDLMOD. CDFSND. handle VAX correctly (cannot rename across devices) Add CDMOVF to 'mv' a file on VAX. Add CDGTLG (logname translation) CDSHOW: change LOUTCD to LPRTCD CDTEXT: write text to LPRTCD if IOPTP -A option on PWD (show alias). Extra options on TREE command. Alias support in CD. CDOUTP: reset also IQPRNT. CDDELF: correct flag for VM CDKOUT: correct +SELF for VAX server version, If=-$ONLINE CDSERV: mods to print statements in CDSEND/BACK/BAD Both above from Vitoria Bonaiti/NOMAD Mods from Sunanda Banerjee for alias support in Fortran interface Mods to following patches: CDCDES, CDUTIL, CDMDIR, CDDICT, CDSTORE, CDFZUP, CDREAD. CDPURGE, CDPACK, CDUNPACK, CDROOT, CDP3, CDPLOT. CDONLINE, CDXINT, DBCDIF. Checkpoint before including Sundanda's mods Version 1.13=CDSERV: protection against errors in CDUPDT. CDCONF: make local queue directories if they do not exist Bug fix in CDEXAM6 (length of PAWC). Add command CDHELP. Modify CDRHLP, CDAFRI and all calling routines to add CHOPT: 'C' = print carriage control in col1 Save and restore current directory in CDALIA Bug fix in CDLDC for zero length options string Add patch CDMOVE - move journal files between servers a la FATSEND. Fix uninitialiased variables from HP installation Add CDJOUR exec to check for disk space on journal disk and cleanup if required. Modify CDBACK to call it. CDSERV, CDSTSV: send journal file only if file has been used HDBSERV.EXEC: exit 99 if timer expires CDSERV: skip active (ZZ) files 23/02/93 10:00 Version 1.12=Change Z=CDUSER to Z=CDUSCM. CDUNIQ for VM. Add patch CDDUMP, to dump journal files (headers only) CDPREF: prefix ZZ is reserved - do not allow it CDSERV: print only fn.ft in CDSERV on VAX to avoid record overflow P=COM: fixes to CDCHECK, CDSEND CDSEND: copy file then rename with correct database prefix. CDHEPDB: protection against zero length files CDSERV: add CDDELF to delete original journal file (new file is always written by server) Sundry bug fixes in CDHEPDB, debug in CDSERV. CDOPEN: use C I/O if file is STREAM_LF CDINIT: permit also options X and C for RZFILE call in public mode CDLOGF: correct OPEN for VAX/VMS (avoid integer underflow!) CDPRNT: protect against 0 length array Add CDSEND.COM to move updates between 'master' and 'slave' across NFS (assumes correct UID/GID mapping) CDLLS: write temporary files in current directory Version 1.11=Add patch CDMAKE to build a new, empty database. Database parameters are taken from CDxxxx environmental variables. Add patch CDHEPDB: code to transfer updates cernvm<->hepdb CDKSEL: selection also on experiment keys (was just KOFUSI) Add CDLIST, CDLDIR routines (a la ls,ld HEPDB commands) Rework CDF for new KUIP. Master/slave concept for VM servers. :queue points directly to service machine who is master server or gateway machine e.g. for transfer to node HEPDB. Bad files are moved to directory pointed to by :bad. Server stops on bad files. CDSERV: master server is one where :todo and :queue directories are the same. Generally, :queue is client queue and :todo is server queue. Extend command string in CDLLS to 255 Introduce master/slave server concept. The master server processes all updates allocating a unique KEY(1) per directory and setting the insertion date and time. Version 1.10=V93A 15/01/93 13:30 Version 1.02=Increase size of Zebra store to 1M words in CDSERV Print user keys according to I/O char in CDLS Delete CDLAST from P=CDSERV Add selection in CDLS. Close LUNFZ in CDLOAD Modify CDLOGL to permit //CHTOP as well as CHTOP. Add patch CPLEAR containing example CPLEAR conversion programs. Change HEPDB close command to RZCLOSE. Corrections to CDEND - drop top bank if IOPTA, otherwise drop specified bank VAX version IF=$ONLINE uses CLUSCOM, otherwise standard updating mechanism (via files) Reset top directory in CDINIT 15/10/92. Reorganise PAM Version 1.01=Add P=REXX,D=HDBSERV (exec for VM server). Fix bugs in names file handling, case sensitivity in CDSERV. Version 1.00=V92B July 20 1992. First release... Version 0.05=July 07 1992. Conversion of flags to CERNLIB standard (partially) Install and test on VM. Add NPRE argument and F option to CDNEW (preformat NPRE records for VM only) Version 0.04=June 19 1992. Basic server functions checked out (except forwarding of updates to remote servers) Version 0.03=June 16 1992. CDSERV now uses NAMEFD etc. Version 0.02=May 27 1992. All patches converted. Interactive i/f still requires some work, as does server patch (CDSERV). Version 0.01=May 1992. Convert DB routines to new calling sequence. Reorganise pam. DBL3 compatibility mode interface routines in DBCDIF. All patches converted except DBXINT Version 0.00=April 1992 First copy of DBL3 V3.11, Sunanda Banerjee