* $Id: Pam_header,v 1.2 1996/04/12 07:40:03 jamie Exp $
* $Log: Pam_header,v $
* Revision 1.2  1996/04/12 07:40:03  jamie
* check write acl in cdfsnd
* Revision  1996/02/28 16:23:26  mclareni
* Hepdb, cdlib, etc
#if defined(CERNLIB__DOC)
#include "sys/CERNLIB_machine.h"
#include "_hepdb/pilot.h"
Current version number : 0.00  (see below)
Coordinator for this PAM : J.Shiers
This is a 'Utility' Pam file for the storage and retrieval of data
in the HEPDB Data Base system.
List of Patches :
  CDBHEAD      Pam header and short history of successive versions
  *CDLIB       Steering patch for creating HEPDB library
  *CDSERV      Steering patch for creating the serverinteractive
  CDCDES       Commons used in the package
  CDEXAMn      Example how to create Database (n=1)
  CDEXAMn      Example how to use HEPDB (n=2)
  CDEXAMn      Example for testing HEPDB (n=9)
  CDINIT       Routines to initialize database
  CDMDIR       Routines to manipuate directories
  CDDICT       Routines to manipulate the dictionary directory
  CDSTORE      Routines to store data in the database
  CDFZUP       Routines to update the database
  CDREAD       Routines to read data from the database
  CDPURGE      Routines to purge data in the database
  CDPACK       Routines to pack data in the database
  CDUNPACK     Routines to unpack data in the database
  CDROOT       Basic routines for HEPDB
  CDP3         Routines related to the Host/A.P. environment
  CDONLINE     Routines related to the online  server
  CDOFFLIN     Routines related to the offline server
  CDPLOT       Routines related to the plotting fcailities of database
  CDMAIN       Main program for interactive usage and example of Logon
  CDXINT       Routines related to interactive database accesses
PATCHY Options :
  UNIX, VAX       - To select machine dependent codes
  $P3CHILD        - To select the child task dependent code
  $HIGZ           - To select the plotting facilities in the interactive
  $DOC            - To flag the (non-executable) documentation Patches
  $DEBUG          - To switch on the debug print outs
  $SERVER         - To activate the codes for servers
  $INIMODE        - To switch on the initialisation mode in CDEXAM2
  $PARTDIR        - To test partitioned directories in CDEXAM9
Extra material required :
  CERN libraries KERNLIB, PACKLIB + GRAFLIB for the interactive package
B.  Error codes :
   The following table summarizes the meanings of the error codes
returned in IRC.
 |Error|             Meaning                            | Routine Name |
 |Code |                                                |              |
 |  -1 |Invalid top directory name                      |   CDINIT     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  -2 |The file is already open with correct LUNRZ and |   CDINIT     |
 |     |TOPNM                                           |              |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  -3 |The file is already open with wrong LUNRZ or    |   CDINIT     |
 |     |TOPNM                                           |              |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  -5 |Invalid process name in Online context          |   CDINIT     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  -6 |Error in IC_BOOK for booking the CACHE          |   CDINIT     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  -7 |Error in CC_SETUP for reserving the CLUSCOM     |   CDINIT     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  -8 |Error in opening journal file in server mode    |   CDFOPN     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  -9 |Unable to open FZ communication channel         |   CDINIT     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | -10 |Host unable to open RZ file                     |   CDINIT     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | -11 |Access to database file denied                  |   CDOPEN     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | -12 |Error mapping Unix path to VMS format           |CDFSND/CDPREF |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | -13 |Write access to DB denied - journal file not    |   CDFSND     |
 |     |sent to server                                  |              |
 |   1 |Illegal character option                        |CDUSEDB/CDUSEM|
 |     |                                                |              |
 |   2 |Illegal path name                               |CDGETDB/CDUSE/|
 |     |                                                |CDUSEM        |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |   3 |Data base structure in memory clobbered         |CDUSE/CDUSEDB/|
 |     |                                                |CDUSEM        |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |   4 |Illegal key option                              |CDUSE/CDUSEDB/|
 |     |                                                |CDUSEM        |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |   5 |Error in CDCHLD in P3 communication             |   CDUSP3     |
 |  12 |Illegal pathname                                |   CDNODE     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  13 |Not enough structural link to support a new Node|   CDNODE     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  15 |Cannot define IO descriptor for Key bank        |   CDNODE     |
 |  21 |Too many keys with option M                     |   CDKMUL     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  22 |Illegal key option                              |   CDKMUL     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  24 |No Key bank created satisfying key options for  |   CDBKKS     |
 |     |option S                                        |              |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  25 |Illegal Path Name                               |   CDBKKS     |
 |  31 |Illegal path name or path name in node bank     |CDCHCK/CDKXIN/|
 |     |is wrong                                        |CDPRIN        |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  32 |No keys/data in this directory                  |CDCHCK/CDGETDB|
 |     |                                                |CDPRIN        |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  33 |No valid data for the given range of insertion  |   CDKXIN     |
 |     |time or for the given set of keys and program   |              |
 |     |version number                                  |              |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  34 |RZIN fails to read the data                     |   CDRZIN     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  35 |Wrong reference to data objects in update mode  |   CDKXIN     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  36 |Data bank address zero on return from CDKXIN    |   CDCHCK     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  37 |Insufficient space in USER store array          |   CDCHCK     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  38 |Read error in getting the RZ date and time      |   CDPRDT     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  39 |Illegal data type in the key descriptor         |   CDPRKY     |
 |  43 |Too many key elements                           |   CDMDIR     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  44 |Cannot find the top directory name              |   CDMDIR     |
 |     |(wrong initialization)                          |              |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  45 |Illegal Path name                               |   CDMDIR     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  47 |The Directory already exists                    |   CDMKDI     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  48 |Error in directory search sequence              |   CDMKDI     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  49 |FZOUT fails to write on the sequential file     |   CDSDIR     |
 |  51 |Illegal character option                        |   CDFREE     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  52 |No access to the Key banks                      |   CDFREE     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  54 |Pathname not matched to that found in bank NODB |   CDFREE     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  57 |Illegal pathname                                |   CDFREE     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  58 |Database structure in memory clobbered          |   CDFREE     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  59 |Some of the expected key banks not found        |   CDFREE     |
 |  61 |Too many keys                                   |CDENTB/CDREPL |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  62 |Illegal character option                        |CDREPL/CDSTOM |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  63 |Data base structure in memory clobbered         |CDREPL/CDSTOR |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  64 |Error in MZCOPY while copying Data bank         |CDREPL/CDSTOR |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  65 |Illegal number of data objects                  |   CDSTOM     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  66 |Illegal logical unit number                     |CDATOI/CDRHLP |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  67 |File too long; no space in buffer               |   CDATOI     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  68 |Input directory is partitioned                  |   CDPART     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  69 |Input directory is not partitioned              |   CDPURP     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  70 |Error in deleting a partition through RZDELT    |   CDPURP     |
 |  71 |Illegal path name                               |CDDONT/CDENFZ/
 |     |                                                |CDENTB/CDFZUP/|
 |     |                                                |CDKOUT/CDPART/|
 |     |                                                |CDPURP/CDRTFZ |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  72 |Read error on the FZ file (journal file)        |CDENFZ/CDFZUP |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  73 |RZOUT fails to write on disk                    |CDDONT/CDENFZ/|
 |     |                                                |CDENTB/CDKOUT/|
 |     |                                                |CDPART/CDPURP |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  74 |Error in RZRENK in updating key values for      |CDENFZ/CDENTB/|
 |     |partitioned data set                            |CDKOUT/CDPART/|
 |     |                                                |CDPURP        |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  76 |Cannot form the IO descriptor for the FZ header |CDDONT/CDENTB/|
 |     |                                                |CDFZUP/CDFZWR/|
 |     |                                                |CDKOUT/CDPART |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  77 |FZOUT fails to write on the sequential journal  |CDDONT/CDENFZ/|
 |     |file                                            |CDENTB/CDFZWR/|
 |     |                                                |CDKOUT/CDPART/|
 |     |                                                |CDPURP        |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  78 |Illegal number of keys on data base/journal file|CDFZUP/CDKOUT |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  79 |Top directory name illegal in the FZ file       |   CDFZUP     |
 |  81 |Precision is not correctly given                |   CDUCMP     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  82 |Illegal Data Type                               |   CDUCMZ     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  83 |Data update but uncompreseed                    |   CDUNCP     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  84 |The update structure has different number of    |   CDUNCP     |
 |     |data words                                      |              |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  85 |No data in the structure                        |   CDUNCP     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  86 |The update structure has different data type    |   CDUNCP     |
 |  91 |Illegal Character Option                        |   CDOPTS     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  92 |Nonstandard IO descriptor                       |   CDFRUS     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  93 |Illegal time                                    |CDPKTM/CDUPTM |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  94 |Nonmatching NPAR's in different UPCD banks      |   CDVALID    |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  95 |Description not found in the dictionary         |   CDLDIC     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  96 |RZCDIR fails to set to the current directory    |   CDLDUP     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  97 |No matching UPCD bank found                     |CDLDUP/CDVALID|
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  98 |Invalid path name in Node bank                  |   CDSTAT     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 |  99 |No space in memory for creating the bank        |CDBANK/CDRZIN |
 | 111 |Illegal path name                               |CDPURG/CDPURK |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 112 |No key or data for the path name                |CDPURG/CDPURK |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 113 |Illegal character option                        |   CDPURK     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 114 |Valid data object(s) in the Node/Key structure  |   CDPURK     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 115 |Cannot form the IO descriptor for the FZ header |   CDSPUR     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 116 |FZOUT fails to write on the sequential file     |   CDSPUR     |
 | 131 |Illegal pathname (in key bank for CDLAST)       |CDLAST/CDLKEY/|
 |     |                                                |CDLMOD        |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 132 |Illegal number of keys in the directory         |CDLAST/CDLKEY |
 |     |                                                |CDLMOD        |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 135 |Illgeal Top directory name                      |CDFZOP/CDILDU |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 136 |Illegal logical unit number                     |CDILDF/CDILDU/|
 |     |                                                |CDJOUR        |
 | 140 |Illegal top directory name                      |CDMDIC/CDUDIC |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 141 |Error in creating the DICTIONARY/HELP directory |CDRDIC/CDUDIC |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 142 |Error in RZ in writing the dictionary object    |CDCDIC/CDRDIC/|
 |     |                                                |CDUDIC        |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 143 |Error in RZ in purging the dictionary directory |CDCDIC/CDRDIC/|
 |     |                                                |CDUDIC        |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 144 |Dictionary directory cannot be loaded           |   CDCDIC     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 145 |Pathname already exists in the dictionary       |   CDCDIC     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 146 |Illegal path name                               |CDDINF/CDEALI |
 |     |                                                |CDEHLP/CDENAM/|
 |     |                                                |CDGNAM/CDRHLP/|
 |     |                                                |CDRNAM        |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 147 |Dictionary directory not found in memory        |CDEALI/CDGNAM/|
 |     |                                                |CDRNAM        |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 148 |FZOUT fails to write on the sequential file     |CDEALI/CDRDIC/|
 |     |                                                |CDSNAM        |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 149 |Error in RZ for writing to the R.A. file        |CDEALI/CDSNAM |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 150 |Illegal number of data words                    |   CDENAM     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 151 |No description of data elements for the given   |CDGNAM/CDRNAM |
 |     |path name exists in the data base               |              |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 152 |Illegal flag (IFLAG)                            |   CDSNAM     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 153 |FZIN error for reading the data structure       |   CDSNAM     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 154 |Illegal alias name for a directory              |   CDRALI     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 155 |No HELP directory inside the data base          |   CDRHLP     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 156 |No help information for this path stored yet    |   CDRHLP     |
 | 171 |Illegal Path name                               |   CDDDIR     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 172 |Cannot find the top directory for the path name |   CDDDIR     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 173 |Error in RZ for reading the dictionary object   |   CDDDIR     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 174 |Error in FZOUT for saving the journal file      |   CDDDIR     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 175 |Error in RZ in writing the dictionary object    |   CDDDIR     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 176 |Error in RZ in purging the dictionary directory |   CDDDIR     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 177 |Error in RZ in deleting the tree                |   CDDDIR     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 178 |Error in RZ in deleting Name/Help information   |   CDDDIR     |
 | 191 |Illegal path name                               |   CDRENK     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 192 |Specified key elements do not match with any of |   CDRENK     |
 |     |the existing set of keys                        |              |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 194 |Cannot form the IO descriptor for the FZ header |   CDRENK     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 195 |FZOUT fails to write on the sequential journal  |   CDRENK     |
 |     |file                                            |              |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 196 |Error in RZRENK in updating key values          |   CDRENK     |
 |     |partitioned data set                            |              |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 199 |Corrupted data                                  |   CDAFRI     |
 | 211 |Illegal number of paths                         |   CDKEEP     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 212 |Illegal path name                               |CDFPAT/CDKEEP |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 213 |Conflicting top directory names                 |   CDKEEP     |
 | 221 |Error in CC_WRITELOCK for locking CLUSCOM (VAX);|   CDWLOK     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 222 |Error in CC_RELEASE for releasing CLUSCOM (VAX) |   CDCWSV     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 223 |Error in IC_SIGNAL for signalling the VAX Server|   CDCWSV     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 225 |Error in sending spool file to the server (IBM  |   CDSTSV     |
 |     |or APOLLO)                                      |              |
 | 301 |Illegal database prefix                         |   CDPREF     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 302 |Reserved database prefix                        |   CDPREF     |
 |     |                                                |              |
 | 311 |CDSERV variable not defined                     | CDPREF/CDACL |
 |     |                                                |              |
C.  Format for FZ output :
   HEPDB can create a journal file and can also update a data base from
the corresponding journal file. The journal file format is defined as an
FZ record consisting of a header and the data part. The format is
general enough and can also be used for the communication betwen the
server and a process which wants to update the data base.
   The data part of the FZ record is relevant for storage of data, help/
name information and also for creation of the directory. For storage of
data, the data part of the FZ record is exactly the same data structure
as input to CDSTOR. For efficiency reason, HEPDB for its own journal
file stores the data structure as input to the RZOUT call. This
difference can be easily recognised from the value of KEY(1), which is
zero for outside source and nonzero for HEPDB's own journal file.
   For creation of the directory, the data part consists of one bank
containing IPREC for the directory in the numeric user identifier and
the data word containing DELTA. For help/name information, the encoded
information packed into one ZEBRA bank is stored in the journal file
along with the header part with the directory/key information.
   The header part has very similar structure for the eight actions
foreseen so far, e.g., entering data, creating new directories, deleting
data objects, deleting a directory tree, renaming the keys, entering
names of data elements or help information for a directory, entering
alias name to a directory, deleting a few partitions in a partitioned
directory. However, they differ in details and the eight different types
of FZ headers are listed below.
   Header for entering data :
 |Word Count| Mnemonic | Type |         Content                        |
 |        1 |   IACT   |   I  | Action code (=1)                       |
 |        2 |  NWKEY   |   I  | Number of key elements                 |
 |        3 |  NWDOP   |   I  | Number of words used to store CHOPT    |
 |        4 |   NDOP   |   I  | Number of words used to to store the   |
 |          |          |      | path name                              |
 |        5 |  IPREC   |   I  | Precision chosen for packing           |
 |          |          |      | (see DBENTR)                           |
 |        6 |  KEY(1)  |   I  | Key element 1                          |
 |       .. |   ...    |  ..  |   ........                             |
 |  NWKEY+5 |KEY(NWKEY)|  ..  | Key element NWKEY                      |
 |  NWKEY+6 |  CHOPT   |   H  | Character option                       |
 |       .. |     ..   |   H  |                                        |
 |  NWKEY+6 |  PATHN   |   H  | Path name                              |
 |   +NWDOP |          |      |                                        |
 |       .. |     ..   |   H  |                                        |
   Header for creating directories :
 |Word Count| Mnemonic | Type |         Content                        |
 |        1 |   IACT   |   I  | Action code (=2)                       |
 |        2 |  NWKEY   |   I  | Number of key elements                 |
 |        3 |  NWDOP   |   I  | Number of words used to store CHOPT    |
 |        4 |   NDOP   |   I  | Number of words used to to store the   |
 |          |          |      | path name                              |
 |        5 |   MXKP   |   I  | Maximum number of objects inside one   |
 |          |          |      | partition (see DBMDIP)                 |
 |        6 |  INSTM   |   I  | Insertion time packed up to minutes    |
 |          |          |      | (see DBPKTM)                           |
 |        7 |  NRECD   |   I  | Unused at this moment                  |
 |        8 |  CHOPT   |   H  | Character option (e.g., 'P' for a      |
 |       .. |   ...    |  ..  | partitioned directory)                 |
 |   NDOP+8 |  CHFOR   |   H  | Description of key element type. This  |
 |       .. |     ..   |  ..  | information is stored in NCFO = (NWKEY |
 |       .. |     ..   |  ..  | +3)/4 words                            |
 |   NDOP+8 |  CHTAG   |   H  | Tags for each key element. This info.  |
 |    +NCFO |     ..   |  ..  | is stored in NTAG = 2*NWKEY words.     |
 |NDOP+NCFO |  PATHN   |   H  | Path name                              |
 |  +NTAG+8 |          |      |                                        |
 |       .. |     ..   |   H  |                                        |
   Header for deleting objects :
 |Word Count| Mnemonic | Type |         Content                        |
 |        1 |   IACT   |   I  | Action code (=3)                       |
 |        2 |  NWKEY   |   I  | Number of key elements                 |
 |        3 |  NWDOP   |   I  | Number of words used to store CHOPT    |
 |        4 |   NDOP   |   I  | Number of words used to to store the   |
 |          |          |      | path name                              |
 |        5 |  NPARS   |   I  | Number of pairs of validity range (set |
 |          |          |      | for CDPURK) or -1 for CDPURG           |
 |        6 |  INSTM   |   I  | Deletion time packed up to minutes     |
 |          |          |      | (see DBPKTM)                           |
 |        7 |  ISEL(1) |   I  | The objects to be selected using the   |
 |       .. |    ...   |      | validity criteria in CDPURK            |
 |  NPARS+6 |  ISEL(n) |   I  |                                        |
 |  NPARS+7 |  KEY(1)  |   I  | Key element 1 for CDURK                |
 |          |   ...    |  ..  |      .........                         |
 |    NENDK |  KEY(n)  |  ..  | Key element NWKEY for CDPURK           |
 |        7 |  KYDAT   |   I  | To be used for CDPURG                  |
 |        8 |  KYTIM   |   I  | To be used for CDPURG                  |
 |       .. |   ...    |  ..  |                                        |
 |    NENDK |          |      | NWKEYth word following KYDAT for CDPURG|
 |  NENDK+1 |  CHOPT   |   H  | Character option                       |
 |       .. |   ...    |  ..  |                                        |
 |  NENDK+1 |  PATHN   |   H  | Path name                              |
 |   +NWDOP |          |      |                                        |
 |       .. |     ..   |   H  |                                        |
   Header for deleting directories :
 |Word Count| Mnemonic | Type |         Content                        |
 |        1 |   IACT   |   I  | Action code (=4)                       |
 |        2 |    ---   |   I  | Unused (set to 0)                      |
 |        3 |  NWDOP   |   I  | Number of words used to store CHOPT    |
 |        4 |   NDOP   |   I  | Number of words used to to store the   |
 |          |          |      | path name                              |
 |        5 |    ---   |   I  | Unused (set to 0)                      |
 |        6 |  INSTM   |   I  | Deletion time packed up to minutes     |
 |          |          |      | (see DBPKTM)                           |
 |        7 |  CHOPT   |   H  | Character option                       |
 |  NWDOP+7 |  PATHN   |   H  | Path name                              |
 |       .. |     ..   |   H  |                                        |
   Header for renaming keys :
 |Word Count| Mnemonic | Type |         Content                        |
 |        1 |   IACT   |   I  | Action code (=5)                       |
 |        2 |  NWKEY   |   I  | Number of key elements                 |
 |        3 |  NWDOP   |   I  | Number of words for CHOPT (= 0)        |
 |        4 |   NDOP   |   I  | Number of words used to to store the   |
 |          |          |      | path name                              |
 |        5 |  Unused  |   I  | Set to zero                            |
 |        6 |  KYO(1)  |   I  | Old key element 1                      |
 |       .. |   ...    |  ..  |   ........                             |
 |  NWKEY+5 |KYO(NWKEY)|  ..  | Old key element NWKEY                  |
 |  NWKEY+6 |  KYN(1)  |   I  | New key element 1                      |
 |       .. |     ..   |  ..  |   ........                             |
 |2*NWKEY+5 |KYO(NWKEY)|  ..  | New key element NWKEY                  |
 |2*NWKEY+6 |  PATHN   |   H  | Path name                              |
 |       .. |     ..   |   H  |                                        |
   Header for entering/deleting names or help information :
 |Word Count| Mnemonic | Type |         Content                        |
 |        1 |   IACT   |   I  | Action code (=6)                       |
 |        2 |  NWKEY   |   I  | Number of key elements                 |
 |        3 |  NWDOP   |   I  | Number of words used to store CHOPT    |
 |        4 |   NDOP   |   I  | Number of words used to to store the   |
 |          |          |      | path name (DICTIONARY or HELP)         |
 |        5 |  IFLAG   |   I  | Flag (1 for help information; 2 for    |
 |          |          |      | names of the data elements)            |
 |        6 |  KEY(1)  |   I  | Key element 1 ( = Identifier of path)  |
 |       .. |   ...    |  ..  |   ........                             |
 |  NWKEY+5 |KEY(NWKEY)|  ..  | Key element NWKEY                      |
 |  NWKEY+6 |  CHOPT   |   H  | Character option                       |
 |       .. |   ...    |  ..  |   ........                             |
 |   NWKEY+ |          |      |                                        |
 |  NWDOP+6 |  PATHN   |   H  | Path name (DICTIONARY or HELP)         |
 |       .. |     ..   |   H  |                                        |
   Header for entering the alias name :
 |Word Count| Mnemonic | Type |         Content                        |
 |        1 |   IACT   |   I  | Action code (=7)                       |
 |        2 |    ---   |   I  | Unused (set to 0)                      |
 |        3 |  NWDOP   |   I  | Number of words used to store CHOPT(=0)|
 |        4 |   NDOP   |   I  | Number of words used to to store the   |
 |          |          |      | path name of the dictitionary          |
 |        5 |  IFLAG   |   I  | Flag (0 means temporary; 1 permanent)  |
 |        6 |   NWDP   |   I  | Number of words used to store the      |
 |          |          |      | path name                              |
 |        7 |  PATHD   |   H  | Path name of the dictionary            |
 |       .. |     ..   |   H  |                                        |
 |   NDOP+7 |  ALIAS   |   H  | Alias name                             |
 |       .. |     ..   |   H  |                                        |
 |   NDOP+9 |  PATHN   |   H  | Path name of the directory             |
 |       .. |     ..   |   H  |                                        |
   Header for deleting a few partitions in a partitioned directory :
 |Word Count| Mnemonic | Type |         Content                        |
 |        1 |   IACT   |   I  | Action code (=8)                       |
 |        2 |    ---   |   I  | Unused (set to 0)                      |
 |        3 |  NWDOP   |   I  | Number of words used to store CHOPT    |
 |        4 |   NDOP   |   I  | Number of words used to to store the   |
 |          |          |      | path name                              |
 |        5 |  INSTM   |   I  | Deletion time packed up to minutes     |
 |          |          |      | (see CDPKTM)                           |
 |        6 |  NKEEP   |   I  | Number of partitions to be kept        |
 |        7 |  CHOPT   |   H  | Character option                       |
 |  NWDOP+7 |  PATHN   |   H  | Path name of the directory             |
 |       .. |     ..   |   H  |                                        |
   Header for recreation of dictionary record :
 |Word Count| Mnemonic | Type |         Content                        |
 |        1 |   IACT   |   I  | Action code (=10)                      |
 |        2 |  NWKEY   |   I  | Number of key elements (=0)            |
 |        3 |  NWDOP   |   I  | Number of words used to store CHOPT (0)|
 |        4 |  NDOPI   |   I  | Number of words used to store the      |
 |          |          |      | path name                              |
 |        5 |  PATHN   |   H  | Path name                              |