C*GRGE02 C+ SUBROUTINE GRGE02(STR, N, QBUF,ICNT,MXCNT) C C GRPCKG (internal routine for general driver): transfer N bytes to C the output buffer, flushing the buffer as necessary with the C GRGE03 routine. Based on early versions of GRxx02 routines. C This version does not used any common blocks. C ***NOTE*** INIT03 must be called before any calls to GRGE02 to C set the LUN/Channel to which the buffer should be dumped. C C Arguments: C C STR(N) I Byte Characters to be written. C N I I The number of bytes to transfer. C QBUF I/O Byte The output buffer. C ICNT I/O I Current number of bytes used in QBUF. C MXCNT I/O I Maximum number of bytes that can be stored C in QBUF. C C 5-Aug-1986 - [AFT]. C----------------------------------------------------------------------- IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER ICNT,MXCNT,I,N BYTE QBUF(N), STR(N) C--- DO I=1,N IF (ICNT.GE.MXCNT) CALL GRGE03(QBUF,ICNT) ICNT = ICNT+1 QBUF(ICNT) = STR(I) END DO RETURN END