C*GRGCOM -- read with prompt from user's terminal (NAGWare f95) C+ INTEGER FUNCTION GRGCOM(STRING, PROMPT, L) CHARACTER*(*) STRING, PROMPT INTEGER L C C Issue prompt and read a line from the user's terminal; in VMS, C this is equivalent to LIB$GET_COMMAND. C C Arguments: C STRING : (output) receives the string read from the terminal. C PROMPT : (input) prompt string. C L : (output) length of STRING. C C Returns: C GRGCOM : 1 if successful, 0 if an error occurs (e.g., end of file). C-- C 25-Mar-1998 C----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER IER C GRGCOM = 0 L = 0 IER = 0 WRITE (*, '(1X,A)', ADVANCE="NO", IOSTAT=IER) PROMPT IF (IER.EQ.0) READ (*, '(A)', IOSTAT=IER) STRING IF (IER.EQ.0) GRGCOM = 1 L = LEN(STRING) 10 IF (STRING(L:L).NE.' ') GOTO 20 L = L-1 GOTO 10 20 CONTINUE END